Office standard pharmaceutical companies

Find an explanation of the high cost of drugs is very simple, only need to look at the office of the Chinese state company Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Co., located in Harbin in the northeast province of Hayluntszyan. Office standard pharmaceutical companies similar to the interior of the palace of Versailles, and its construction has been spent more than 93 million yuan or 15 million US dollars.

1. Photos were posted on the Office Web site, and immediately caused a storm of emotions among Internet users. Many believe that this palace was built on the pain of millions of patients.

2. Not so long ago the company received the allegation that illegal sewage drains in the exhaust gas and industrial waste. That's when the company said that the decision of this problem it has simply no money. Many believe that the money spent on the construction of luxury office, could have been spent on the solution of the problem of sewage plant.

3. According to the Ministry of Finance, in 2010 the company made a profit in the amount of 2 trillion yuan, of which 19, 6 million yuan was spent on environmental protection, and the sum is 27 times more on advertising.

4. After a fierce online scandal pictures from the site were removed, and the company said that the pictures were taken in an art museum wooden woodcuts. The CEO says that the company's offices is really as simple as possible.