The little girl, who saved 60,000 people.

Desire little Rachel
Exactly 9 months ago Bekvis little Rachel (Rachel Beckwith) from Seattle started a page on the Internet, which requested the relatives and friends did not give her gifts for ninth birthday, and donate money to help those suffering from lack of drinking water. The girl was shocked when she found out that many people in poor countries die because of this problem and decided to collect 300 dollars. Six weeks later, Rachel died tragically in a car accident. I think she would be happy if she knew that I was able to collect more than 1.2 million dollars.
Once in Seattle came the head of the charitable organization «Charity: water» Scott Harrison. In his lecture, which accounted for Rachel, he told me how people in the poorest countries suffer from a shortage of drinking water. The girl was shocked by images in which people drink dirty water from puddles and swamps that then die from infections taken up.

With the help of the parents of Rachel on the site «Charity: water» opened its page dedicated to raise funds to help these poor people. For a month she collected $ 220. The news of her death and the act has galvanized the world and responded to its request for tens of thousands of people. To date, they have listed 1,265,823 dollars.

This is not the first attempt to Rachel to help people. Previously, she twice and cut hair to grow, giving them bald wigs for children with cancer.

People stand at a memorial to Rachel at the 6th annual meeting of philanthropists in New York, December 12, 2011

Scott Harrison - founder and director of the charitable organization «Charity: water». At a lecture in Seattle, Rachel wanted to ask him questions, but all of those who wish was too long ...

Upon learning of the death of Rachel Harrison has decided to support its page. He says that he was shocked by the number of people responded. Children shook out his piggy bank, asked to help their parents, who, of course, could not remain indifferent.
Every day from diseases associated with lack of clean water and the consumption of dirty water, kills about 4,500 people. Harrison's organization raises funds for the fight against this problem, and a young philanthropist Rachel made in this case a huge contribution.
$ 300, which wanted to collect Rachel could save from death a dozen people. On the collected amount is now possible to hold drinking water in many African villages and save the lives of about 60 000 people.

In Canada, a tiny chihuahua rescued the girl from the raging pit bull.
This video has touched millions of hearts - The real heroes on earth.