If you like beer, coffee without sugar, you may - Psycho
Man - this is a rare mammal that feeds the tendency to bitter foods. Most of the animals takes a taste of the signal to stay away from non-digestible food, but people like, that's just the scientists do not fully understand, pochemu.Sayt struck latest research psychologists. It makes the assumption: commitment to the bitter drink may reflect certain personality traits
The article was published in the journal Appetite, and it presents the results of a study in which 500 participants were asked to answer the question, how much they like various examples of sweet, salty, sour and bitter food. Then they were asked to take tests personality analysis to assess the level of aggression indicators Dark Triad (narcissism, psychopathy and makkiavelizma) everyday sadism (verbal, physical and indirect), as well as indicators of extroversion, conformity, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness.
The researchers found that people who like bitter foods are gaining in tests of the highest rates of psychopathy, sadism and aggression. In addition, the psychologists write that penchant for bitter food is the best indicator of personality than all the other flavors . "Taken together, the results suggest that the degree of love of man to the bitter food consistently associated with how grim their identity».
The researchers, of course, point out that the understanding of the individual inclinations of taste - it complicated the process is equally biological and psychological, which affects not only the sensitivity to taste and smell, but also of lived experience.
via www.popmech.ru/science/220741-lyubite-pivo-i-kofe-bez-sakhara-vozmozhno-vy-psikhopat/

The article was published in the journal Appetite, and it presents the results of a study in which 500 participants were asked to answer the question, how much they like various examples of sweet, salty, sour and bitter food. Then they were asked to take tests personality analysis to assess the level of aggression indicators Dark Triad (narcissism, psychopathy and makkiavelizma) everyday sadism (verbal, physical and indirect), as well as indicators of extroversion, conformity, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness.
The researchers found that people who like bitter foods are gaining in tests of the highest rates of psychopathy, sadism and aggression. In addition, the psychologists write that penchant for bitter food is the best indicator of personality than all the other flavors . "Taken together, the results suggest that the degree of love of man to the bitter food consistently associated with how grim their identity».
The researchers, of course, point out that the understanding of the individual inclinations of taste - it complicated the process is equally biological and psychological, which affects not only the sensitivity to taste and smell, but also of lived experience.
via www.popmech.ru/science/220741-lyubite-pivo-i-kofe-bez-sakhara-vozmozhno-vy-psikhopat/
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