How does the Ultra-Light Steel mikroreshёtka

Several years ago, physics HRL Laboratories (a joint venture with Boeing) have created the world's lightest metal material, and now the first to show it on the Video . This material is a металлическую mikroreshёtku , Ultra-Light is a form of foamed metal. It is one hundred times better foam but at the same time, high hardness. This metal can be based on a dandelion. The unique combination of properties allows its use in different areas: shock absorbers, batteries, catalysts, etc.
The material obtained by a group of scientists from HRL Laboratories in collaboration with researchers at University of California at Irvine and California Institute of Technology (пресс-релиз on 08.15.2013, the ). Its structure is designed on the model of the structure of our bones that are very hard on the outside but basically hollow. That is, they are strong, but lightweight. These bones and should be: hard to break, but it's easy to wear a full day. Since the new material and although it is solid, but at 99, 99% air.
Mikroreshёtka made of hollow nickel tubes interconnected. Nickel is used for the prototype, it can be replaced. Each tube has a wall thickness of 100 nanometers. The structure of the lattice allows the material to absorb a lot of energy.
In the video Sophia Yang (Sophia Yang), HRL Laboratories researcher leading this comparison: this material can be coated with an egg, and then it falls from a height of 25 floors and will break.
In the future, Boeing will begin to be used in the manufacture of metal mikroreshёtki aircraft. Those would be much easier, but retain strength.
Perhaps then the material goes to other devices: cars, computers, and so on. At least, there are already информация, HRL Laboratories that cooperates with General Motors. In the end, all around it becomes easier and sometimes smaller.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/263800/