15 cats that behave exactly as we have in the office
Sometimes animals behave exactly like humans. Angry, if they do not like something or naobrot, jumping and running around with joy. You want - you do not want, and you begin to recognize themselves in these lovely (and sometimes not very pretty) muzzles.
Today Website sharing with you a selection of photos of seals, which remind us everyday work.
When you come to a new job and you can not remember the names of all sotrudnikov
When the boss gets himself lyubimchika
When you tell a new spletni
When the boss tells a joke, do not you smeshno
When you know that tomorrow you're otpuske
When told that the salary delay ...
... But then it still dali
When he wrote a funny message to a colleague ...
... And accidentally sent it nachalniku
When did a great job, but she was not crowned uspehom
When you constantly to climb with their voprosami
When there is no power rabotat
When you know exactly who ate your yogurt
Your reaction when he learned that the chief in otpuske
When just rejoice vyhodnym
via # image1894310
Today Website sharing with you a selection of photos of seals, which remind us everyday work.
When you come to a new job and you can not remember the names of all sotrudnikov
When the boss gets himself lyubimchika
When you tell a new spletni
When the boss tells a joke, do not you smeshno
When you know that tomorrow you're otpuske
When told that the salary delay ...
... But then it still dali
When he wrote a funny message to a colleague ...
... And accidentally sent it nachalniku
When did a great job, but she was not crowned uspehom
When you constantly to climb with their voprosami
When there is no power rabotat
When you know exactly who ate your yogurt
Your reaction when he learned that the chief in otpuske
When just rejoice vyhodnym
via # image1894310
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