How Russian creators localize slogan Buick «Drive beautiful»
New task for "localization" came from the States, where Buick tirelessly looking for himself, changing slogans like perchatki.Ocherednoe creation, «Drive Beautiful» , combining all promotional materials automaker, owned by creative team McCann Erickson Detroit. We decided immediately to assess the prospects of survival of the concept in the Russian market.
Irina Zvereva, Creative Director "Native Speech" adaptation options:
«It's time to go is beautiful»
Well ... "Handlebars beautiful" - the first thing that comes to mind. Direct translation, fit into use. Ho. We appeal to the people who steer something they rule, but do not have sneakers. Due to age and position.
Another option. "For a beautiful drive." Even more to the point. But there are plenty of wits that slogan mustache paint on the letter "n" in the sense that the car is female. And it is again totally not what we want to say about the car.
You can ask to sell the beauty, the beauty and the beauty again. Without drive. "Obviously incredibly beautiful." But this is obviously an incredibly snotty. And we also still want to sell just what you need to sell to the buyer manufacturer. So, "It's time to go is beautiful».
Anton Gagarin, senior art director AMC ZnamenkaVariant adaptation: «Move beautifully».
Beautiful car turned from the Americans on this should be nice ride! That's nice, because if you do something nice - so you do it right! And this is - correct in all respects.
Generally, cars are not buying right now to just move, and to move with some prigalatelnym: fast, sure, safe ... etc In this case, Buick offers a beautiful walk! And this desire is difficult to deny people! Take beautiful!
Sergei Dobrydnev, art director of Leo Burnett MoscowVariant adaptation: «Buick? Well, let's go! ».
Immediately I clarify that I am not a copywriter and art director. This allowed me to feel sufficiently irresponsible in translation. So I was not thinking on adapting a slogan that could be approved by the client. And over as close as possible within the meaning of the translation. Also note that I have not found anything in this campaign Buick «watch and envy", except that the budget commercials and ridiculous price of 32 thousand dollars for a SUV in its class. For creative here, in my opinion, boring, forgive an old man for his frankness.
Artem Altman, Art Director BBDO MoscowVariant adaptation: «The beauty of movement».
I can say that the rollers rather pretentious. The common thread through all the spots praises rasprekrasnye Buick parts. They are like the cherry on the cake. When it comes to such fine detail, you can guess how great things with the rest I also thought about the slogan "Taste the movement" and "movement with taste", but the word & quot; taste & quot; the second adds an unnecessary sense.
via # image2874955

Irina Zvereva, Creative Director "Native Speech" adaptation options:
«It's time to go is beautiful»
Well ... "Handlebars beautiful" - the first thing that comes to mind. Direct translation, fit into use. Ho. We appeal to the people who steer something they rule, but do not have sneakers. Due to age and position.
Another option. "For a beautiful drive." Even more to the point. But there are plenty of wits that slogan mustache paint on the letter "n" in the sense that the car is female. And it is again totally not what we want to say about the car.
You can ask to sell the beauty, the beauty and the beauty again. Without drive. "Obviously incredibly beautiful." But this is obviously an incredibly snotty. And we also still want to sell just what you need to sell to the buyer manufacturer. So, "It's time to go is beautiful».
Anton Gagarin, senior art director AMC ZnamenkaVariant adaptation: «Move beautifully».
Beautiful car turned from the Americans on this should be nice ride! That's nice, because if you do something nice - so you do it right! And this is - correct in all respects.
Generally, cars are not buying right now to just move, and to move with some prigalatelnym: fast, sure, safe ... etc In this case, Buick offers a beautiful walk! And this desire is difficult to deny people! Take beautiful!

Sergei Dobrydnev, art director of Leo Burnett MoscowVariant adaptation: «Buick? Well, let's go! ».
Immediately I clarify that I am not a copywriter and art director. This allowed me to feel sufficiently irresponsible in translation. So I was not thinking on adapting a slogan that could be approved by the client. And over as close as possible within the meaning of the translation. Also note that I have not found anything in this campaign Buick «watch and envy", except that the budget commercials and ridiculous price of 32 thousand dollars for a SUV in its class. For creative here, in my opinion, boring, forgive an old man for his frankness.

Artem Altman, Art Director BBDO MoscowVariant adaptation: «The beauty of movement».
I can say that the rollers rather pretentious. The common thread through all the spots praises rasprekrasnye Buick parts. They are like the cherry on the cake. When it comes to such fine detail, you can guess how great things with the rest I also thought about the slogan "Taste the movement" and "movement with taste", but the word & quot; taste & quot; the second adds an unnecessary sense.
via # image2874955
W + K London: Hondamentalizm - to live racing and a desire for perfection
Rollers Wrigley's 5 assure us that this gum pins that way. Handsomely!