The most anticipated film premieres in February
Prepare your wallets - February will be rich in the premiere. And all the films and award nominated! What to choose - it's up to you if you decide to go for everything - will have to live in a movie theater. Thus, the February movie premieres.
"The Wolf of Wall Street» (The Wolf of Wall Street)
In the very first weekend of February, the screen comes the long-awaited film Scorsese with Leonardo DiCaprio - "The Wolf of Wall Street." Leo has already received several awards for the title role in the film, but whether he had received the "Oscar" - this is the million!
The movie is based on the story of a real person - Jordan Belfort, who founded one of the largest brokerage firms in 1987 and ten years later was convicted of money laundering and a number of other financial crimes.
"That Awkward Moment» (That Awkward Moment)
Comedy "That Awkward Moment" is no doubt the fans were waiting for a very handsome Zac Efron. Actually, it's what the film can be remarkable, because the plot beaten - three singles from Manhattan, after throwing a girl decide as long as possible to remain unmarried. However, once they fall in love ...
"American Hustle» (American Hustle)
Slogan: «Everyone Hustles To Survive»
The most eminent at this moment the film "American Hustle" will be released on Russian screens on 13 February. I'm not sure that the crime comedy for Valentine's Day, but it draws attention to an excellent cast - Christian Bay, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Jennifer Lawrence.
As for the plot, then again it is based on a true story about the FBI raid, which took place in the late 70's - early 80's. The Agency has implemented its employees to criminal gangs disguised as intermediaries, buying up masterpieces stolen for wealthy collectors in the Middle East. Subsequently, the operation turned into a denunciation of corruption at various levels.
"Robocop» (RoboCop)
Slogan: "The evil has no chance»
Actually you need to recall the plot, if the franchise is entirely based on the cult sci-fi action movie directed by Paul Verhoeven in 1987? Okay, let me remind the future, 2029. A multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the head of research in the field of robotics and manufactures combat drones. One day they decided to conduct an experiment on a human robot. And then quite successfully shot of Alex Murphy, a loving husband, father and good cop.
At this time in the role of Robocop, we will witness Joel Kinnaman, the main villain will play the inimitable Gary Oldman.
"Winter's Tale» (Winter's Tale)
Slogan: «This is not a true story. This is true love »
But this movie just for Valentine's Day. The whole story will not recount, except to say that its peculiarity is that the action of the film takes place simultaneously in the XIX century and in our time in Manhattan. Among the actors in the film are seen Starring: Colin Farrell, Will Smith, Jessica Brown-Findlay, Jennifer Connelly, William Hurt, Russell Crowe, Matt Bomer, Kevin Durant.
"Treasure hunters» (The Monuments Men)
Slogan: "The biggest robbery in the history of art»
Another creation from director George Clooney, who is also a producer, he's stsenarits, he's in the lead role. Besides himself, managed to collect Clooney and other stars - Matt Damon, Bill Murray, John Goodman, Cate Blanchett.
And this film is based on real events that occurred during the Second World War. The story of the team of art historians and museum curators who have united to save the famous works of art stolen by the Nazis, before they have time to destroy them.
«Survivor» (Lone Survivor)
Slogan: «Live to Tell the Story»
Mark Wahlberg in the role of US Special Forces, who, along with a detachment trapped in the Afghan Taliban. As a result of the battle survived only hero Wahlberg, who now need to break through to her.
"Pompeii» (Pompeii)
Slogan: "Some stories are written in blood»
Historical thriller from the director of "Resident Evil" - Paul WS Anderson. The love story of a slave Milo and noble Flavia espoused a Roman senator, against the eruption of Vesuvius, which permanently wiped out the ancient Roman city of Pompeii ...
Incidentally, the film can be seen Carrie-Anne Moss ("The Matrix"), which does not often appear on the screen.
"Mr. Morgan's Last Love» (Mr. Morgan's Last Love)
Slogan: «It's never too late to love life again»
Horror with Michael Caine, Gillian Anderson and Clemence Poesy. Hero Kane - an elderly American professor Matthew Morgan, lonely and closed lives in Paris and teaches philosophy at the university. His wife, whom he loved, died a few years ago. It seems that all the most important thing in his life is in the past. And so it was, until one day in a bus to him almost fallen, not extended a helping hand to Pauline, a young, open, cheerful Parisian.
"Dallas Buyers Club» (Dallas Buyers Club)
Slogan: «Dare to Live»
Another film is on everyone's lips, caressed awards and nominations - drama "Dallas Buyers Club" with Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner and Jared Leto as a transvestite. Again, the story is based on the true story of Texas electrician Ron Woodruff, who in 1986 diagnosed with AIDS. Doctors gave him only six months of life, however, he was able to live longer thanks to alternative medicine. And then forged a clandestine and profitable business for the sale of their other patients.
"Filomena» (Philomena)
The drama about the Irish Philomena (Judi Dench), who gave birth to a son, a teenager, and her as a "fallen" and sent to "re-education" in a monastery, and the baby was sent to the adoption of the American family. The monastery was subjected to countless indignities Philomena. Then she managed to escape from there and she lived a life of dignity, but all these years trying unsuccessfully to find his son. She became interested in the history of Martin Sixsmith sympathetic man - an experienced journalist, dealing with the theme of the sinister role of the church in many broken destinies ...
"Motel» (The Bag Man)
John Cusack at the motel and they all want his death ... somewhere we've already seen. Ah, yes - the thriller "Identification." Actually, in the thriller "motel" repetition of the plot with some deviations. If it is the same as the exciting "Identification" - fall into the rankings of the best. Incidentally, the film starred Robert De Niro.
"She» (Her)
A whole constellation of actresses - Scarlett Johansson, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde and Joaquin Phoenix starred in the comedy "She" - the writer of the unlucky who have a love affair with the operating system for for assailants.
"It's hard to be a god»
Alex Herman planned to shoot "Hard to Be God" in 1968, four years after the release of the sci-fi novel Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. But according to the film's production began only in 1999, and finished her son had directed. I propose to go to science fiction in Russian.
"Lego. Film »(The Lego Movie)
Slogan: "Who was nothing will all show more»
The most important premiere for the young viewers in February of this cartoon "Lego. Film". Vibrant, exciting, interesting characters. But leading the children on the cartoon, note that this is the longest in the world of Lego advertising - so it's possible that after you require to purchase designer.

"The Wolf of Wall Street» (The Wolf of Wall Street)
In the very first weekend of February, the screen comes the long-awaited film Scorsese with Leonardo DiCaprio - "The Wolf of Wall Street." Leo has already received several awards for the title role in the film, but whether he had received the "Oscar" - this is the million!
The movie is based on the story of a real person - Jordan Belfort, who founded one of the largest brokerage firms in 1987 and ten years later was convicted of money laundering and a number of other financial crimes.

"That Awkward Moment» (That Awkward Moment)
Comedy "That Awkward Moment" is no doubt the fans were waiting for a very handsome Zac Efron. Actually, it's what the film can be remarkable, because the plot beaten - three singles from Manhattan, after throwing a girl decide as long as possible to remain unmarried. However, once they fall in love ...

"American Hustle» (American Hustle)
Slogan: «Everyone Hustles To Survive»
The most eminent at this moment the film "American Hustle" will be released on Russian screens on 13 February. I'm not sure that the crime comedy for Valentine's Day, but it draws attention to an excellent cast - Christian Bay, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Jennifer Lawrence.
As for the plot, then again it is based on a true story about the FBI raid, which took place in the late 70's - early 80's. The Agency has implemented its employees to criminal gangs disguised as intermediaries, buying up masterpieces stolen for wealthy collectors in the Middle East. Subsequently, the operation turned into a denunciation of corruption at various levels.

"Robocop» (RoboCop)
Slogan: "The evil has no chance»
Actually you need to recall the plot, if the franchise is entirely based on the cult sci-fi action movie directed by Paul Verhoeven in 1987? Okay, let me remind the future, 2029. A multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the head of research in the field of robotics and manufactures combat drones. One day they decided to conduct an experiment on a human robot. And then quite successfully shot of Alex Murphy, a loving husband, father and good cop.
At this time in the role of Robocop, we will witness Joel Kinnaman, the main villain will play the inimitable Gary Oldman.

"Winter's Tale» (Winter's Tale)
Slogan: «This is not a true story. This is true love »
But this movie just for Valentine's Day. The whole story will not recount, except to say that its peculiarity is that the action of the film takes place simultaneously in the XIX century and in our time in Manhattan. Among the actors in the film are seen Starring: Colin Farrell, Will Smith, Jessica Brown-Findlay, Jennifer Connelly, William Hurt, Russell Crowe, Matt Bomer, Kevin Durant.

"Treasure hunters» (The Monuments Men)
Slogan: "The biggest robbery in the history of art»
Another creation from director George Clooney, who is also a producer, he's stsenarits, he's in the lead role. Besides himself, managed to collect Clooney and other stars - Matt Damon, Bill Murray, John Goodman, Cate Blanchett.
And this film is based on real events that occurred during the Second World War. The story of the team of art historians and museum curators who have united to save the famous works of art stolen by the Nazis, before they have time to destroy them.

«Survivor» (Lone Survivor)
Slogan: «Live to Tell the Story»
Mark Wahlberg in the role of US Special Forces, who, along with a detachment trapped in the Afghan Taliban. As a result of the battle survived only hero Wahlberg, who now need to break through to her.

"Pompeii» (Pompeii)
Slogan: "Some stories are written in blood»
Historical thriller from the director of "Resident Evil" - Paul WS Anderson. The love story of a slave Milo and noble Flavia espoused a Roman senator, against the eruption of Vesuvius, which permanently wiped out the ancient Roman city of Pompeii ...
Incidentally, the film can be seen Carrie-Anne Moss ("The Matrix"), which does not often appear on the screen.

"Mr. Morgan's Last Love» (Mr. Morgan's Last Love)
Slogan: «It's never too late to love life again»
Horror with Michael Caine, Gillian Anderson and Clemence Poesy. Hero Kane - an elderly American professor Matthew Morgan, lonely and closed lives in Paris and teaches philosophy at the university. His wife, whom he loved, died a few years ago. It seems that all the most important thing in his life is in the past. And so it was, until one day in a bus to him almost fallen, not extended a helping hand to Pauline, a young, open, cheerful Parisian.

"Dallas Buyers Club» (Dallas Buyers Club)
Slogan: «Dare to Live»
Another film is on everyone's lips, caressed awards and nominations - drama "Dallas Buyers Club" with Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner and Jared Leto as a transvestite. Again, the story is based on the true story of Texas electrician Ron Woodruff, who in 1986 diagnosed with AIDS. Doctors gave him only six months of life, however, he was able to live longer thanks to alternative medicine. And then forged a clandestine and profitable business for the sale of their other patients.

"Filomena» (Philomena)
The drama about the Irish Philomena (Judi Dench), who gave birth to a son, a teenager, and her as a "fallen" and sent to "re-education" in a monastery, and the baby was sent to the adoption of the American family. The monastery was subjected to countless indignities Philomena. Then she managed to escape from there and she lived a life of dignity, but all these years trying unsuccessfully to find his son. She became interested in the history of Martin Sixsmith sympathetic man - an experienced journalist, dealing with the theme of the sinister role of the church in many broken destinies ...

"Motel» (The Bag Man)
John Cusack at the motel and they all want his death ... somewhere we've already seen. Ah, yes - the thriller "Identification." Actually, in the thriller "motel" repetition of the plot with some deviations. If it is the same as the exciting "Identification" - fall into the rankings of the best. Incidentally, the film starred Robert De Niro.

"She» (Her)
A whole constellation of actresses - Scarlett Johansson, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde and Joaquin Phoenix starred in the comedy "She" - the writer of the unlucky who have a love affair with the operating system for for assailants.

"It's hard to be a god»
Alex Herman planned to shoot "Hard to Be God" in 1968, four years after the release of the sci-fi novel Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. But according to the film's production began only in 1999, and finished her son had directed. I propose to go to science fiction in Russian.

"Lego. Film »(The Lego Movie)
Slogan: "Who was nothing will all show more»
The most important premiere for the young viewers in February of this cartoon "Lego. Film". Vibrant, exciting, interesting characters. But leading the children on the cartoon, note that this is the longest in the world of Lego advertising - so it's possible that after you require to purchase designer.