20 brownfield sites on which ran shivers
Website with a sinking heart, is a compilation of the most mysterious places on the planet that cause silent horror at the same time and interest.
The combination of mystery and danger is of interest, and against the will attract attention, and kind nature that easily captures created by the people, brings us to an understanding of their own insignificance in the face of time.
Ghost Town San Gee, Tayvan
luxury resort on the coast was built specifically for the local rich. But during the construction began of the country. Dozens of workers have died: broken neck, falling from a height (even with a tether), died under the collapsed crane. Nearby residents were assured that the town inhabited by evil spirits. There were heart-rending stories about the Japanese "death camp", which once was in these places. At the end of the 1980 construction stalled. Apartments have not found buyers, and the authorities did not take down the city, because people believe that the way to release the evil spirits out.
Abandoned military hospital in the town of Beelitz, Germaniya
The eponymous town is 40 kilometers from the German capital. During the First and Second World War, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 it was treated Adolf Hitler. In 1995, people from the town had gone since he is gradually destroyed.
Eight factory shop "Dagdizel" Mahachkala
Testing station naval weapons, put into operation in 1939. Located at a distance of 2, 7 km from the coast and has long been used. The construction was long and complicated by the difficult conditions. Unfortunately, the shop served long plant. Changed the requirements for the work carried out in the shop, and in April 1966, this magnificent building was copied from the factory balance. Who is this "mass" is abandoned and in the Caspian Sea shore recalling ancient monster.
Psychiatric Clinic Lier Sikehus, Norvegiya
In the Norwegian mental hospital, which is located in the small town of Lier, a half hour from Oslo, dark past. Once there conducted experiments on the sick, and for unknown reasons, four corps hospitals were abandoned in 1985 in abandoned buildings left the equipment, beds, even magazines and personal belongings of patients. At the same time, the remaining eight buildings and hospitals operate to this day.
Island Gunkandzima, Yaponiya
In fact, the island is called Hasim has the nickname Gunkandzima (Gunkanjima), which means "island cruiser." Island settled in 1810, when it found coal. For fifty years, he has become the most populated island in the world by the ratio of the land and the number of inhabitants therein: 5,300 islands with a radius of one kilometer. By 1974, coal and other minerals in the Gankadzhime were finally exhausted, and people left the island. Today, a visit to the island is prohibited. The people there are many legends about this place.
The walled city of Kowloon, Hong Kong, Kitay
Also in the area had their own industry: artisanal production of noodles and all the little things. Products of inexpensive cost: taxes were not, and labor laws have not kept local entrepreneurs. There were a nursing home, kindergarten and school. In the early 1990s, the population density reaches two million people per square kilometer.
After a complicated process of eviction of people living there in 1995 at this place opened the eponymous park. Some historical artifacts of the city, including the building of yamen, and the remains of the South Gate were saved.
Abandoned hotel "Salto" in Colombia,
In 1924 in San Antonio del Tequendama Falls was built luxury hotel Refugio El Salto. After some time, the hotel was closed because of frequent cases of suicide visitors. Around this place go sinister legends and rumors.
Church of San Juan Parangarikutiro, Meksika
The church, located in the eponymous village was buried under lava volcano Parícutin in 1944, the village was completely destroyed. Miraculously intact altar and church tower, surrounded by the ruins of the temple complex, protruding cone of lava resemble paintings victuals.
Underwater city Shichen in Kitae
This incredible city in 1341. Shichen, or Lion City, was flooded during the construction of hydroelectric power plants. The city went under water, and all around there was one of the most beautiful artificial lakes with islands in 1078.
Ghost town Kolmanskop, Namibiya
Ghost town Kolmanskop, built in a place where the sand found in the small diamonds that wind brought from the ocean. The city was built big beautiful house, school, hospital, stadium and village quickly turned into a model German town. All hoped for a long prosperity, but, alas, "the stock of diamonds" has dried up quickly. In addition, the town was hard to live because of problems with water and sand storms, and people left it. Most of the houses are almost entirely covered with sand, and produces a feeling of depression.
Pripyat, Ukraina
Ghost Town, located three kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. After the accident in 1986, he was in the exclusion zone and became a frightening specter of the power of nuclear energy. Who to lead guided tours and stalkers go there for a walk, but the interest in this place does not subside, and are born new "urban legends."
Nara Dreamland Amusement Park, Yaponiya
The park was opened in 1961, and at the end of the 90 closed due to lack of funding. On the territory there are roller coasters, carousels, castle, water slides, game machines, and many other buildings. Clean, quiet, almost no graffiti, buildings survived the whole environment and equipment.
The train station Michigan SSHA
Central Station was built in 1913, it was once a major railway station, and 5 January 1988 the last train departed from here. The next day, the station is closed, and since then the building is gradually destroyed.
The headquarters of the Communist Party Bolgarii.
Place of meeting of the Communist Party of Bulgaria looks terribly both externally and internally. This building is in the shape of a flying saucer was abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now the building looks very ominous.
Sunken boat, Antarktida
This eerie ghost ship - Brazilian boat shipwrecked in Ardley Bay. Brazilians are doing a documentary, but a strong wind and the raging sea forced them to abandon ship. Since then, the boat rests under the water.
via # image13535010
The combination of mystery and danger is of interest, and against the will attract attention, and kind nature that easily captures created by the people, brings us to an understanding of their own insignificance in the face of time.
Ghost Town San Gee, Tayvan

luxury resort on the coast was built specifically for the local rich. But during the construction began of the country. Dozens of workers have died: broken neck, falling from a height (even with a tether), died under the collapsed crane. Nearby residents were assured that the town inhabited by evil spirits. There were heart-rending stories about the Japanese "death camp", which once was in these places. At the end of the 1980 construction stalled. Apartments have not found buyers, and the authorities did not take down the city, because people believe that the way to release the evil spirits out.
Abandoned military hospital in the town of Beelitz, Germaniya

The eponymous town is 40 kilometers from the German capital. During the First and Second World War, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 it was treated Adolf Hitler. In 1995, people from the town had gone since he is gradually destroyed.
Eight factory shop "Dagdizel" Mahachkala

Testing station naval weapons, put into operation in 1939. Located at a distance of 2, 7 km from the coast and has long been used. The construction was long and complicated by the difficult conditions. Unfortunately, the shop served long plant. Changed the requirements for the work carried out in the shop, and in April 1966, this magnificent building was copied from the factory balance. Who is this "mass" is abandoned and in the Caspian Sea shore recalling ancient monster.
Psychiatric Clinic Lier Sikehus, Norvegiya

In the Norwegian mental hospital, which is located in the small town of Lier, a half hour from Oslo, dark past. Once there conducted experiments on the sick, and for unknown reasons, four corps hospitals were abandoned in 1985 in abandoned buildings left the equipment, beds, even magazines and personal belongings of patients. At the same time, the remaining eight buildings and hospitals operate to this day.
Island Gunkandzima, Yaponiya

In fact, the island is called Hasim has the nickname Gunkandzima (Gunkanjima), which means "island cruiser." Island settled in 1810, when it found coal. For fifty years, he has become the most populated island in the world by the ratio of the land and the number of inhabitants therein: 5,300 islands with a radius of one kilometer. By 1974, coal and other minerals in the Gankadzhime were finally exhausted, and people left the island. Today, a visit to the island is prohibited. The people there are many legends about this place.
The walled city of Kowloon, Hong Kong, Kitay

Also in the area had their own industry: artisanal production of noodles and all the little things. Products of inexpensive cost: taxes were not, and labor laws have not kept local entrepreneurs. There were a nursing home, kindergarten and school. In the early 1990s, the population density reaches two million people per square kilometer.
After a complicated process of eviction of people living there in 1995 at this place opened the eponymous park. Some historical artifacts of the city, including the building of yamen, and the remains of the South Gate were saved.
Abandoned hotel "Salto" in Colombia,

In 1924 in San Antonio del Tequendama Falls was built luxury hotel Refugio El Salto. After some time, the hotel was closed because of frequent cases of suicide visitors. Around this place go sinister legends and rumors.
Church of San Juan Parangarikutiro, Meksika

The church, located in the eponymous village was buried under lava volcano Parícutin in 1944, the village was completely destroyed. Miraculously intact altar and church tower, surrounded by the ruins of the temple complex, protruding cone of lava resemble paintings victuals.
Underwater city Shichen in Kitae

This incredible city in 1341. Shichen, or Lion City, was flooded during the construction of hydroelectric power plants. The city went under water, and all around there was one of the most beautiful artificial lakes with islands in 1078.
Ghost town Kolmanskop, Namibiya

Ghost town Kolmanskop, built in a place where the sand found in the small diamonds that wind brought from the ocean. The city was built big beautiful house, school, hospital, stadium and village quickly turned into a model German town. All hoped for a long prosperity, but, alas, "the stock of diamonds" has dried up quickly. In addition, the town was hard to live because of problems with water and sand storms, and people left it. Most of the houses are almost entirely covered with sand, and produces a feeling of depression.
Pripyat, Ukraina

Ghost Town, located three kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. After the accident in 1986, he was in the exclusion zone and became a frightening specter of the power of nuclear energy. Who to lead guided tours and stalkers go there for a walk, but the interest in this place does not subside, and are born new "urban legends."
Nara Dreamland Amusement Park, Yaponiya

The park was opened in 1961, and at the end of the 90 closed due to lack of funding. On the territory there are roller coasters, carousels, castle, water slides, game machines, and many other buildings. Clean, quiet, almost no graffiti, buildings survived the whole environment and equipment.
The train station Michigan SSHA

Central Station was built in 1913, it was once a major railway station, and 5 January 1988 the last train departed from here. The next day, the station is closed, and since then the building is gradually destroyed.
The headquarters of the Communist Party Bolgarii.

Place of meeting of the Communist Party of Bulgaria looks terribly both externally and internally. This building is in the shape of a flying saucer was abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now the building looks very ominous.
Sunken boat, Antarktida

This eerie ghost ship - Brazilian boat shipwrecked in Ardley Bay. Brazilians are doing a documentary, but a strong wind and the raging sea forced them to abandon ship. Since then, the boat rests under the water.
via # image13535010