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15 of our most popular articles on the case, if you do something propustili.Redaktsiya Website for the upcoming weekend has prepared for you a selection of articles in the first three months of the new year.
The absolute champion of Laika, retweets and viewing the article "Idiotic textbooks».
Idiotic textbooks
In the middle of the school year we have collected the children's books of assignments, from which the hair stand on end on the head and the children and parents. The article, which read almost seven hundred thousand people, has received overwhelming response. 479 comments suggest that people "boiled».
The kids had fun in the USSR
We regularly share with you about life in the collections of the USSR and the Soviet times as a whole. Why are only "Fasting beautiful Soviet actresses" and "Classic Soviet erotica." At this time we have offered you a little ponostalgirovat and remember what and how children are having fun in the Soviet era.
As I did not want to be a father
Being a parent is not easy. There are mothers and fathers who approach to the education of creative and enjoyed every single day with his child. But the photographer Phillip Toledano never wanted to be a father. This paper will be of interest to all those who still gets in the way of motherhood and fatherhood, and those who doubt.
20 pictures, showing that there is no one devoted dog
We, like you, are very fond of animals. And every time we write about mimimishnyh animal, touches with you. Website has already confessed his love sovushkam, mokrenkaya cat, we and even the animals, which we did not know before. But this position has prevailed over all, because it is dedicated to man's best friend - the dog.
Murderous menu in Russian
restaurant miraEto one of those excellent articles, which can complement the infinite. After all, every Russian tourists traveling to the countries of south-east Asia, faced with a menu in Russian. Translate the owners of these restaurants and their counterparts from China is loud laughter to tears.
30 photos of abandoned places,
from which you will have shivers
The beauty of abandoned places such as amusement parks, still attracts all lovers of thrills. At this time, we have collected a place from which emanates a horror.
7 ways to become unbearable social networking
The article, which gave people a chance to realize what a meaningless as are their status sotsetyah. Like "6 brutal truths", the post has become a good shake to the brain. After all, everyone has such friends in the friends list, activity is at times just infuriates.
Makeup 80 lvl
Ugly women do not happen. Often illiterate makeup. That is what our proven makeup artist Vadim Andreev. After him, his work introduced a Lebanese master Samer Huzami. Now you know that you can cheat nature and time, without plastic surgery.
7 reasons why you will never do
Nothing steep
Editorial Website with great pleasure shares articles that motivate over doing things you love. But this position has become distinct from the others. Words that tried to convey to others the entrepreneur Reymar Tirado became much more useful guide to action and forced us all to cheer.
That's why women live longer than men
We have always admired people whose imagination and creativity knows no bounds. But we can not hold back my laughter when seeing eccentric artists and amateurs to repair fix things without tools. At this time, Website prodemonstrirovalintellektualnoe superiority of men over women. Even if they are completely devoid of self-preservation instinct.
About his childhood in a village
Touching the photo project by Helena Shumilova - mother of two amicable nimble boys, let us for a moment all become children and enjoy the simple life in the village. See also: the most beautiful family album.
Proverbs in charts
Category "Russian language" is gaining popularity. Largely due to proverbs and sayings that occur even in advertising. A programmer Artem Prokhorov went and presented well-known expression in the charts. Such visualization everybody's liking.
Natural surrealism
Website is not just admired the beauty of our planet. As we went on a fascinating tour of the most surreal locations on Earth.
Destruction Technologies
American sociologist Joseph Overton described the technology of how to change society's attitude to things that were previously considered completely unacceptable. The article caused a lot of controversy among readers, but they all agreed that this opinion deserves respect.
10 secrets of famous paintings
For all connoisseurs of high art, we have prepared a special collection, which reveal the secrets of famous paintings. The interest in these works become nothing less than a masterpiece of the Louvre.
Each of our article, we try to inspire you: to work, to change for the better, for a good cause, a dream come true. We promise that we will try even more!
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo/10-tajn-znamenityh-kartin-639605/comments/
The absolute champion of Laika, retweets and viewing the article "Idiotic textbooks».

Idiotic textbooks
In the middle of the school year we have collected the children's books of assignments, from which the hair stand on end on the head and the children and parents. The article, which read almost seven hundred thousand people, has received overwhelming response. 479 comments suggest that people "boiled».

The kids had fun in the USSR
We regularly share with you about life in the collections of the USSR and the Soviet times as a whole. Why are only "Fasting beautiful Soviet actresses" and "Classic Soviet erotica." At this time we have offered you a little ponostalgirovat and remember what and how children are having fun in the Soviet era.

As I did not want to be a father
Being a parent is not easy. There are mothers and fathers who approach to the education of creative and enjoyed every single day with his child. But the photographer Phillip Toledano never wanted to be a father. This paper will be of interest to all those who still gets in the way of motherhood and fatherhood, and those who doubt.

20 pictures, showing that there is no one devoted dog
We, like you, are very fond of animals. And every time we write about mimimishnyh animal, touches with you. Website has already confessed his love sovushkam, mokrenkaya cat, we and even the animals, which we did not know before. But this position has prevailed over all, because it is dedicated to man's best friend - the dog.

Murderous menu in Russian
restaurant miraEto one of those excellent articles, which can complement the infinite. After all, every Russian tourists traveling to the countries of south-east Asia, faced with a menu in Russian. Translate the owners of these restaurants and their counterparts from China is loud laughter to tears.

30 photos of abandoned places,
from which you will have shivers
The beauty of abandoned places such as amusement parks, still attracts all lovers of thrills. At this time, we have collected a place from which emanates a horror.

7 ways to become unbearable social networking
The article, which gave people a chance to realize what a meaningless as are their status sotsetyah. Like "6 brutal truths", the post has become a good shake to the brain. After all, everyone has such friends in the friends list, activity is at times just infuriates.

Makeup 80 lvl
Ugly women do not happen. Often illiterate makeup. That is what our proven makeup artist Vadim Andreev. After him, his work introduced a Lebanese master Samer Huzami. Now you know that you can cheat nature and time, without plastic surgery.

7 reasons why you will never do
Nothing steep
Editorial Website with great pleasure shares articles that motivate over doing things you love. But this position has become distinct from the others. Words that tried to convey to others the entrepreneur Reymar Tirado became much more useful guide to action and forced us all to cheer.

That's why women live longer than men
We have always admired people whose imagination and creativity knows no bounds. But we can not hold back my laughter when seeing eccentric artists and amateurs to repair fix things without tools. At this time, Website prodemonstrirovalintellektualnoe superiority of men over women. Even if they are completely devoid of self-preservation instinct.

About his childhood in a village
Touching the photo project by Helena Shumilova - mother of two amicable nimble boys, let us for a moment all become children and enjoy the simple life in the village. See also: the most beautiful family album.

Proverbs in charts
Category "Russian language" is gaining popularity. Largely due to proverbs and sayings that occur even in advertising. A programmer Artem Prokhorov went and presented well-known expression in the charts. Such visualization everybody's liking.

Natural surrealism
Website is not just admired the beauty of our planet. As we went on a fascinating tour of the most surreal locations on Earth.

Destruction Technologies
American sociologist Joseph Overton described the technology of how to change society's attitude to things that were previously considered completely unacceptable. The article caused a lot of controversy among readers, but they all agreed that this opinion deserves respect.

10 secrets of famous paintings
For all connoisseurs of high art, we have prepared a special collection, which reveal the secrets of famous paintings. The interest in these works become nothing less than a masterpiece of the Louvre.

Each of our article, we try to inspire you: to work, to change for the better, for a good cause, a dream come true. We promise that we will try even more!
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo/10-tajn-znamenityh-kartin-639605/comments/