Forecast for March from Oksana Pashinskaya

Winter colds gradually give up their positions, and already in spring the gentle sun shines through the clouds. After all, on the threshold of the first month of spring. March is changeable and can surprise any weather, it is difficult to predict anything. The stars are accurate in their predictions.

Today's edition. "Site" share Astrological forecast for March 2019 from professional astrologer Oksana Pashinskaya. She explained in detail what awaits each zodiac sign in this bright month.

First, let’s talk about the general trends of the month, favorable and unsuccessful days, and then proceed to each zodiac sign. Oksana Pashinskaya says that the motto of this month - dare, create, embody! It will become saturated, generally quite successful and incredibly creative. Let's figure out what's coming.

The month begins with a new moon, which will occur on March 6 in the sign of Pisces. If since the beginning of the year it was not possible to implement their plans, then the new moon will be a good time for this. Good luck will come with business.

March will be ruled by Mercury retrograde. Retrograde is not scary, but there may be difficulties. The days of March 3, 4 and 27 will be especially difficult. At this time, Mercury stops, which means that it is worth waiting for delays in business. Some agreements may fail, documents may be lost, or equipment may fail. Important things should be avoided these days.

March is unfavorable for shopping, especially for anything related to technology. It is better to postpone important purchases for the next month, and if necessary, then purchase the necessary from March 1 to March 3. When buying something at the end of the month, be careful with the documents and check the information.

Any activity in March is hampered by Mercury retrograde, but if you’re focused on something, don’t give it up. Perseverance is your loyal friend for the next month.

From the beginning of March to April 6, all recommendations begin with “no”: do not conduct large deals, do not make large purchases and investments, do not start new projects and cases designed for the future; do not sign important contracts, do not change jobs; do not move to a new place of residence; do not hire new people; do not start a new course of study; do not buy communications, transport, household appliances.

On March 2, Venus enters the sign of Aquarius. The need for emotions, for their free manifestation, increases. It's time to confess your love, take the step you were afraid to take. It is especially important to do this before the 5th, then the power of these decisions will weaken. This month will be characterized by light-mindedness, and the month will be romantic and bright.

Now let’s move on to each zodiac sign. This month has some surprises for everyone.

  1. Aries.
    In the first and second decade of the month, Aries increase energy, activity and self-confidence. You’ll finally get out of the comfort zone you’ve created for yourself in the last 2 weeks. This will help you to act purposefully, not very quickly, as you are used to, but with the expectation of a certain result. This is especially true for those born between March 30 and April 20.
  2. Taurus
    Astrological forecast for March 2019 Taurus It promises success in the love field. New romantic dating is possible, friendship can turn into love. The beginning of the month is quite harmonious, but after the 10th, pay attention to your behavior towards your partner, it can be rude and aggressive.

  3. Twins.
    The twins are very distracted this month. They tend to get confused in the flow of information, confuse important dates, figures. In March, you better listen to your intuition, it is much more effective than logic. Those born between June 9 and 15 have a tendency to assert themselves. It can ruin relationships at work.
  4. Cancer
    The theme of the month for Cancer is partnership. At the beginning of the month, Cancers are prone to emotional instability: increased sensitivity, taking everything personally. Especially this condition is inherent in those born from 17 to 20 July. If you are not guided by emotions, you can solve many issues and reach agreements with partners.

  5. Lev
    In March, lions tend to fly in the clouds. It is not recommended to engage in important matters that require accuracy and scrupulousness. And creativity is what it is. Use your imagination and intuition, but don’t go too far. At the end of the month, keep your ego to yourself so as not to ruin your reputation.
  6. Virgo
    Virgos will be engaged in remaking what has been done. You will see all the shortcomings and mistakes easily, but you need to correct them carefully. If you let things go, then you'll have to redo everything and work will only increase.

  7. Libra
    By the end of the month, there may be stagnation in business. Because of this, you will feel a decrease in self-confidence, but do not dwell on it. It might be better to put things aside and take care of the house. Do a little renovation, buy a new chair or rearrange the furniture. It will bring pleasure and pleasant changes.
  8. Scorpio
    From you comes a strong flow of energy, you will be able to achieve your goals. Especially a surge of strength is expected at the beginning of the month, take advantage of this time. In order not to burn out, engage in relaxing practices. 415492

  9. Sagittarius
    Sagittarius is more than usual trying to teach everyone around. This month, your tendency to fight for the championship and prove that you are in charge will be especially acute. Keep your conceit to yourself, so as not to spoil relations with others. Also, take care of your nutrition.
  10. Capricorn
    For Capricorns, March will be a good month to take care of your inner world. Understand yourself, understand what you want, where you are going and who you really are. This period of self-discovery will help you improve your efficiency and move on.

  11. Aquarius
    For Aquarius, March will be romantic month. You'll fall in love, but don't be under any illusions about it. If you are in a relationship, there is a chance to strengthen it. A new love is possible that will last a very long time.
  12. Fish
    Fish born in March wear pink glasses. You fly in the clouds, and it's not easy to come back to reality. In order not to fly away, engage in creativity, show yourself to the world. Especially favorable for this will be the end of the month. Luck is on your side, catch it by the tail.

This is what the stars promise the zodiac signs in the first month of spring. What to say, the month promises to be good, although it will not be without difficulties. Remember that your destiny is always in your hands. Success is always possible, even if the stars are against it.

What do the stars promise you this month? Are you happy with your astrological prognosis? Tell us in the comments.


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