Bad advice on the Russian language. This is genius!

Almost all of us have to write texts: letters, assignments, posts to blogs and social networks. And only a few are able to remember all of the complex and tricky rules of our complex, but such a rich Russian language.
International Literacy Day Website not dull publishes rules that will help you to fix knowledge of the native language.
Style h3>
The metaphor - a nail in the shoe, and it is better to weed. Misplaced analogy in the text looks like a coat, tucked into pants. < Uv. nab.! Since short. only. Mood.! Who needs rhetorical questions? If incomplete design - bad. Stringing nouns to each other leads to difficulty understanding the method of solution of the equation. It is our deep conviction, we believe that the author, when he wrote the text certainly does not have to acquire the bad habit is the fact that the use of too many unnecessary words that are actually quite are not necessary in order to express his thought. No narcissistic Bank, its President and Chairman of the Board of Directors are not written with a capital letter. Restraint presentation - always absolutely the best way to feed Amazing ideas. knowingly resist maintain harmony. Accidentally caused verse go astray mood of the readers of your. The verse where rhyme verbs construction, the first ever in the trash asks. Updates in brackets (though significant) are (usually) unnecessary. If you want to be understood correctly, do not use foreign language and barbarisms. Fershteyn? For the sake of representativeness be creative promoter native Russian synonyms for top ranking position preferences. Check offer pronoun - a bad style, not that it is. Tech who finishes the sentence pretext to send. Not for the sake of rudeness, but the order to. NEVER do not abuse em> words highlighted. The person reading the text from multiple selections, feel , that his own understanding of the meaning of n e d o in e r i w t. Try to avoid invective vocabulary item # Daras! < / Be more or less specific.Commas h3>
In Article Text Posts comma when listing. Do not use commas, where they are not needed. Colleagues treatment must somehow be allocated. Using participial turnover always distinguished him by commas. Communion turnover appearing after the word it stands by commas. to stand up to the word it, the sacrament Turnover is not allocated by commas. The introductory words but should be allocated by commas. However, some words may be introductory words, and unions that do not require a comma. introductory design course highlight commas. While some words of, literally, very similar to the opening, just never give out a comma. Oh, it, letters, separated by commas whole combination of interjections.Dots h3>
Do not build mysteries of the dot at the end of a comprehensive proposal ... Do not use dots instead of commas and points ... there is no need ... Put the dots ... ... only ... designation rests with the unexpected ... ... ... moving from one thought to another ... to. Or unexpected transition between complete sentences that.Other punctuation h3>
Put the right dashes dash is long, including spaces and hyphens little - a little shorter, with no gaps. If it were kakoeto rule regarding words with hyphens at least get respected. First, defisde pishetsyataki not koekak and koegde is not polyudski not ponashemu. And secondly ever and where the upotreblёnny true, pleases the eye and the soul of the reader. And you do not forget to put a question mark at the end of sentences. And for God's sake, put an exclamation point at the end of ejaculation.«no» and «No» h3>
Do not know nevidel, inappropriately and nebudesh write "not" with verbs separately. Do not anywhere Unused extra negatives. < / In addition, more than one author, or understand where to write "no" and when "no", nor can count on promotion. In interrogative sentences, where the denial is logically highlights "No" is written separately, is not it? Or is not it? The word 'no' do not have forms of change.«b" and "b" (and "E») h3>
young people who are not dense, gender of a noun, and the brevity of the adjective - the key to understanding the need for soft sign after a sizzling end of a word. Soft sign in indefinite verb form should be determined by the presence of it in regard to the verb, sometimes zabyvaetsya. Do not forget the letter "e", or do not distinguish between deaths and deaths, the sky and the sky, a donkey and a donkey, perfect and perfect, everything and everyone, and peredohnet peredohnet.Replays h3>
Re-repeat all repeats cognates - this is a tautology - too much excess. One exclamation point is enough !!! 111 akuratno contact with double consonants. Poobtershis in the corridors of offices, in the future we will be summarized and priydёm to the fact that in our texts will participate less and less surprising number of extra letters. A small remark repetitions, which sometimes occur in the articles, which are printed in our country, and abroad, which sometimes obscure the idea that I wanted to express the author, which we wanted to make that comment. And yet, by the way, never , yes, never use unnecessary repetition.Other h3>
Poor knowing grammar, complex designs should be used with caution. Work should be carefully carefully proofread. Blestnite nepoverhnosnym chustvom language when writing unpronounceable charges according to. Check the text missing words. The use of terms, the values of which you do not quite understand, can lead to an affected insinuations in your address. Vail numerals can be one hundred and twenty five ways, but only one of them is correct. Lovers of the Russian language like:Russian language in cats
Writing correctly
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According to the materials: lurkmore
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