Positive aspects of early language learning
In the rhythm of modern life formed the concept that the child until he fell the problems and responsibilities of adult life, have enough free time to study things that might be useful to him in the future. The result is that the child in addition to kindergarten visits various sections. It sports clubs, and dance, and learning various crafts and of course — foreign languages. Parents have used that the most popular is English. And so a child could be proud of, giving it almost from the first years of life lessons in it.

Adults are sure: this is better. In the future, when there will be other worries, don't have to start from the beginning. The base is not laid down in advance would detract from school subjects. Many would agree with this conclusion. However, experts, having examined this question from all sides, came to a slightly different opinion.
Of course, the English language will subsequently provide good support. Especially in the case if contact with another country will be an integral part of life. But common thinking is to start learning better than just 9 or 10 years. Then the child and perseverance will be more, and understanding what he is doing and why. And will not have such problems as the violation of articulation.
Cons early learning of the language Along with a positive attitude arise unpleasant moments. The most common is that the baby, in obedience to the will of the parents, immersed in a foreign world. As a result, it does not remain free time to play, relax or chat. Besides, at such a young age attention not stay long. The child needs the constant change of classes, the possibility of expressing emotions, otherwise training will begin to cause boredom, hostility and even fear.
Do not forget that we are talking about a creature that has not yet learned to speak. Imagine what can happen if the baby will constantly hear only English! High probability that, when older, he considers his main, but the native will not be perceived as the first and significant.
There is another side of the coin. If only sometimes listen to English words and phrases, the training will not achieve the desired goal. Language simply doesn't feel like it. Use for training only all kinds of reference books, textbooks and manuals is not good. The child will be able to make only General information. But the correct pronunciation they put can not. But forced to pronounce alien sounds is also unacceptable. For the still undeveloped articulation is harmful and dangerous.
To summarize all the above, it might give the impression that learning English from the first year of life will not lead to anything good. And it is necessary to abandon the idea. And it will also be the wrong conclusion! If the parents intend to educate their child, just want to choose the most optimal way that will not cause rejection.
Positive aspects of early language learning in the child who has no fear of learning English, desire to learn will grow. As a result, without the hassle he decides to increase the amount of information obtained. Listening to the beautiful sound and correlating it with pictures, baby will begin to understand that there are other languages besides Russian. And they are no less interesting and enjoyable. Do not forget that children tend to imitate adults who exemplify the
And if the parents speak English, so that's what is better to learn me," concluded the child. Besides, if to subtly tell him that foreign in the future will have an important impact on the opportunities to show all the positive traits, it will be perceived as self-evident. And well stored in the memory, which will help in further development.
How to conduct classes? To the child engaged in with interest and desire, it is enough to observe a few simple rules: English words are spoken and displayed. So the child will arise their of the Association, and memorization will be easier. If bright enough to draw (portray) the difference between the foreign word and the family, the young student will be able to perceive and feel the beauty of another language.
The best knowledge is assimilated when they are in the form of a game. So the kid will not be bored but instead will strive for new classes. A variety of songs in English or children's programs installed on the computer, will be a great help.
If you combine the seen word and the correct pronunciation, the way it over time, and will be remembered. At a young age works only this function and not spoken. In contrast to school subjects, there is no assessment available. It's not compulsory measures, but fun and interesting hobby.
Catherine Lidovskaya
Source: globalscience.ru