5-year-old autistic artist creates real masterpieces
Autism - is not a disease, but rather a special type of perception of the world, a view from a different reality. For 5-year-old Iris Grace from the UK is an excellent example of what an unexpected and valuable gifts can be found at the "people's confidence." Iris - the artist and her work is often compared to paintings by Claude Monet eminent. And all thanks to the exceptional attention to detail and a phenomenal sense of color.
Showed talent almost by accident - with a child who learned to speak very slowly, doing a speech therapist, he advised parents to teach Iris drawing. But teaching did not have - a girl the first time confidently holding hands and mix paint.
"We are hoping that it will speed up painting Iris and encourage her to communicate," - said the girls mother Arabella Carter-Johnson. "But then we realized that it is actually a very talented artist with an incredible ability to focus on the process - Iris can draw two hours non-stop. Her autism created a style of painting that I have never met children her age. She feels color, composition and the way they interact with each other ».
Together with the Website Discover the wonderful work of the young artist. We still have not seen this.
Source image: irisgracepainting.com
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Showed talent almost by accident - with a child who learned to speak very slowly, doing a speech therapist, he advised parents to teach Iris drawing. But teaching did not have - a girl the first time confidently holding hands and mix paint.

"We are hoping that it will speed up painting Iris and encourage her to communicate," - said the girls mother Arabella Carter-Johnson. "But then we realized that it is actually a very talented artist with an incredible ability to focus on the process - Iris can draw two hours non-stop. Her autism created a style of painting that I have never met children her age. She feels color, composition and the way they interact with each other ».

Together with the Website Discover the wonderful work of the young artist. We still have not seen this.

Source image: irisgracepainting.com
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