8 warm traditions for the New Year

In each family, and even each person has some tradition. But New Year's rituals - especially. This is the most magical holiday met all a little differently. Someone is sure to go for a walk after twelve, and someone is going to the country. Someone whenever stores for the holiday sparklers and someone will bakes duck with apples.
Website gathered a few good ideas that can fill up your collection of Christmas traditions. Let's take a little closer sense of celebration and make it even more wonderful.
We rejoice in all the good things that happened in the god

Since the beginning of the new year set up an jar, where to put a note with pleasant events that have happened to you. At the end of the year, on December 31, shake and read them all. Great mood and smile guaranteed! And how many good things happened, what are you without notes, and remembered not be! With such a tradition you will always see off the outgoing year with gratitude.
A poor zabyvaem

Accumulating bad events as well, of course, to anything. But if you're sadly remember something that happened in the past year, try to get rid of it. Write on pieces of paper all that you are concerned, and burn them. It is symbolic for starting the new year with a clean slate.
Send Christmas cards blizkim

Imagine rise mood you dear people, when they find in the mailbox this greeting card. And how do you come up with will be pleasant greeting for each of them and look forward to the reaction of the recipient!
Bake cookies with "predictions"

Bake the cookies are not so difficult - and how many guests coming to the holidays for you to the light, you will be able to please! Write in "predicting" something nice and see how many smiles bring such a simple surprise.
Turns into Santa Claus or Snegurochku

Dressed up in Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden and after the New Year celebrations go on guests. And to all passers-by giving sweets and tangerines - their joy would be no limit.
Make this a family elku

Contours of the palm family: mom, dad, kids and grandparents. And we are doing on the wall of the tree: the contours of big hands - at the bottom and above - less and less. The smallest "palm" - at the top. Each year, you can add new "palm" grown-up children. Sami "palm" can be painted and cover up a Christmas tree balls with pictures of family members.
Writing a letter to Santa Morozu

So what, you've grown. In our hearts should always be room for a little magic. Write a letter, listing it all that would like to receive in the coming year and what do you expect from him in the general. And at the end of next year, open it and check how your wishes come true.
Setting up a friendly chat with glintveynom

Probably not more than a winter and a warming drink. Call friends, pour into mugs of mulled wine, light the candles and discuss together all the good things that happened to you during the year. A warm evening this will be another pleasant memory of the outgoing year.
See also charges the festive mood:
25 films from the Christmas mood
15 Soviet cartoons, which will bring a sense of celebration
20 songs for the New Year's mood
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