20 sites for inspiration

easiest way to awaken your imagination and make the brain to generate new ideas - look at the best examples of art and design creativity of others.
Website has prepared a selection of unusual places, where you can catch the inspiration. All of these sites have a very specific focus and talk about an unexpected source for ideas.

Members added to the site his creations - photos, art, posters - and put them in thematic collections, sharing with others.
One Eye Land

Resource dedicated to photography. The whole gallery of works for new creative ideas.
The Oodles of Doodles Pool

Countless intricate designs, which can be considered infinite.

One of the main social networking for designers, where they share their projects and the details of their implementation.
Lovely Package

Examples beautiful and at the same time utilitarian packaging design. Website about the art of presenting the product to consumers.

Selections logos, illustrations, business cards, posters, packaging, architectural decisions, reversals of magazines and books.
The Best Designs

Resource dedicated to web design. Here you will find interesting and beautiful solution for the design of the site.
Typography Served

Collection of the best font, illustrated texts and creative typography.

Designers, illustrators and photographers exhibit their work, share experiences, receive feedback and comments on the work of colleagues.
The Dieline

Leading portal packaging design.

Animated graphics and special effects. Vimeo has a unique artifacts at the video - in this respect, YouTube can not compete with him.

This site contains a variety of logos. Here you can always find fresh ideas to create a beautiful logo.
The Book Cover Archive

A huge collection of covers of books and examples of their design. Collected the best examples of design creativity.
Visual Complexity

An ideal place for those who like to look at complex images.
Graphic Exchange

An excellent resource for collecting graphic design and illustrations.

Conceptual work of creative designers.

There are divided into interesting photographs and images found on the network.
Pattern Tap

A collection of resources, dismantled by Category: Beautiful background website, creative buttons, graphics, illustrations and much more.
Note Point

Examples beautiful and qualitatively worked PowerPoint-presentations.
Information Is Beautiful

You can learn how to present the information nicely.
Do not miss the 20 sites for inspiration - Part 1
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