20 films from which we want to live

There is a special film - inspires. It is like oxygen. After his view it would be desirable to live to the fullest, love and to be better. This really deep blockbusters that turned everything inside millions of people, and a comedy, after which foolishly smile.
Website has compiled a list of 20 such life-affirming films that give strength to go forward and achieve goals. See and enlightens. If we forgot something, share your inspirational film in the comments.
Peaceful Warrior in the world is always something going on, there are no ordinary moments. Em>

The film is about a guy, very promising at the gym, based on the story of a real person, but more like a parable. Philosophical, but not preachy dialogue, beautiful video once and for all kill in us the inner whiner and make the time to appreciate the "here and now".
Knockin 'on Heaven Understand the heavens just say about the sea. Em>

The story of two terminally ill friends who indulges in all serious, if only to read the description of the film may seem not life-affirming. But the shot, and filed all played so great that after watching you begin to appreciate every moment of life. And still want the sea.
Inside I'm Dancing See, that's life passes. Let's go take a walk? Em>

The heroes of this movie - people in wheelchairs. But they more optimistic than that of many healthy people. Bound cerebral palsy, the guys do not lose heart, and try to live in this world full: be happy, to do silly things, to protect the weak, dance and joke.
Forrest Gump Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what toppings you will fall. Em>

This film directed by Robert Zemeckis - a worldwide phenomenon 1994, which even now, 20 years later, it would be desirable to revise again and again. Even when you know by heart, that will tell the characters, with each view are discovering something new. Apparently, this is a real movie - a simple, clear and brilliant.
The Untouchables (1 + 1) No matter who you are outside, the main thing - who you are inside. Em>

Director and actor of the film managed to create a life-affirming, witty, funny and charming picture. And the proportions are not overdone - a mix of drama and comedy in the history of two dissimilar, both black and white, friends turned out almost perfect.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Stop dreaming. Begin to live. Em>

This painting is about the adventures of a loser if the office screaming on the screen: "Do not be like it! Do not be afraid! Change the world! "Teenage enthusiasm demonstrated to us 48-year-old Hollywood veteran comedian Ben Stiller, which, in theory, should have been away from it all for a long time to get tired. But that's a mug.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind You can erase from the memory of love. Discarded from the heart - that's another story. Em>

Directed by Michel Gondry, the wizard in the picture is very clear and unique to his manner showed that in life you can not just like on the keyboard, press delete. In this he was helped by a terrific cast, and especially Jim Carrey.
Little Miss Sunshine in the world there are two groups of people: winners and losers. And the difference is that winners do not give up. Em>

Perhaps the best film that the result is not important, but the process itself is important. Because if you are, like the heroine of the film, suddenly conceived to become "Little Miss Sunshine" and all bitty family consisting of the father-loser, impulsive mother, uncle, brother, gave a vow of silence, and his grandfather is going to help you, you just have to enjoy process.
Pay It Can one idea to change the world? Em>

Boy Trevor came up with his own theory of changing the world, the essence of which is simple to outrageous: I'll help you and you help the other three. It is not hard to guess that the theory is broken with a crash on the rocks cruelty of the world and we almost lost faith in humanity ... But if the stars are lit, it means that it is necessary for someone.
Breakfast at Tiffany's never know exactly where it will happen, but when there will be - do not be mistaken. Em>

The quintessence of feminine charm and magnetism Audrey Hepburn - the main advantage of this movie, filmed in the distant 1961, but still does not leave indifferent spectators. Dialogues, beautiful views of New York, a small apartment, a nameless cat lazy and, of course, «Moon River» create a mood where I want to live and love.
Into the Wild Love, money, faith, fame and justice prefer the truth. Em>

Incredible beauty landscapes, unbridled freedom and absolute detachment. The film, which makes it possible at least for a while to get away from the problem of empty and unnecessary rules of society, to feel unity with nature and just drop everything. All this thanks to the steep director Sean Penn and stunning performance of the actors.
August Rush I can hear the music in the wind, in the air, in the rays of light - it is everywhere. All that is needed - just open. Everything you need - just listen. Em>

This is very beautiful, idealized story with elements of a fairy tale looks at one go. To really liked it, and sunk into the soul, it is necessary to disconnect the inner critic, a blind eye to some unrealistic plot and learn to listen. Because the main role in this film, the music plays.
Always say "yes» When you say something "yes", you grab for the opportunity. Em>

The average manager in the performance of the actor Jim Carrey is in a state of deep depression. And to somehow deal with it, he decides to always say "yes" and to accept any offers. So in an instant, his life turns into a crazy adventure in which it would be useful to each of us.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button You never know what's waiting for you. Em>

This film is very similar to the book on the novel crafted to detail. The result of this hard work is available - in addition to the amazing live-action picture amazing atmosphere, striking naturalistic event, although talks about fantastic events. She may like may not like it, but after watching "Benjamin Button" is difficult to remain unchanged.
King says! - a long pause, added weight to the speech. - Then I am the most powerful king. Em>

The film won four awards "Oscar", not simply teach public speaking, as a voice - this is only the outward manifestation of the person. The story of King George VI that you need to believe in yourself and that everyone deserves to be heard.
Big Fish The largest fish in the river becomes one that does not bite the bait. Em>

Director Tim Burton directed the film-fairy tale, a fantasy film, but not for that we saw were pricked and forgotten. History inventor Edward Bloom - an allusion to the fact that everyone sees your reality in their own way. Someone looking at the night sky, just see the sky, and someone sees the bottomless, boundless world of the stars and the universe. And, most likely, the second - a large fish.
Terminal Sometimes it is better to ignore the rules and engage in human beings. Em>

Director Steven Spielberg and actor Tom Hanks managed to create a film that is not easy to pick a genre. Somewhere comedy, melodrama somewhere, somewhere parable. The film is about the ability to follow his dream. A film about the worthlessness of the bureaucratic machine. And a film about friendship, which has a place even in the flood of people bustling airport terminal.
Red Dog Sometimes you choose a dog, and the dog chooses you sometimes. Em>

Few in modern cinema really good and great films such as "Red Dog". This real-life story of a dog living in the Australian town of Dampier, at the entrance to which it is a monument. Tireless dog many settlers helped to make friends, happiness, hope and joy. On this and the film.
My boyfriend - crazy Signs everywhere, the main thing - to be able to see them. Em>

"Collection of a ray of hope," called the film in the original, and perhaps it best describes the impression of his view. Very interesting, memorable, touching story about people who are going through difficult periods of his life, did not even give hope and confidence - everything can change.
The Bucket List Could be better, but there could be a lot worse. Em>

Elegant movies with an excellent cast - Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman just "sang" and thus only increased the viewing experience. In this film, there is no dialogue or an empty frame, all the minutes are filled correctly and with feeling. A dialogue heroes (in old age) do not bother about the eternal, but rather suggests that we have to live not tomorrow or in a week, but now.
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