25 photos, which will have to look twice
Most of these pictures are obtained once in a lifetime. Sometimes it is necessary to wait for hours in ambush with a camera and plan frame, and sometimes - just in time to press the button. But the main thing - a creative look and the ability to notice details that together will develop the photograph into a stunning illusion. And yet - these pictures show us that things are not as they seem.
Website has selected for you 25 of these photographs, which will have to look twice.
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via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/zahvatyvayuschie-fotoillyuzii-506205/
Website has selected for you 25 of these photographs, which will have to look twice.

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20 photos, which deceived your eyes
Exciting fotoillyuzii
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/zahvatyvayuschie-fotoillyuzii-506205/