15 films that are taught to never give up

Sometimes, it seems that things are worse than ever, and there is no escape. This is a "good" reason to lay down arms, surrender and begin to weep about the fate. At such moments, the most important thing - to get together and keep fighting no matter what.
Website has collected films that remind you that you can not give up.
7 zhizney

The protagonist, feeling guilty for the death of 7 people, trying to redeem her. The way he has chosen requires incredible strength of will and determination. This story will cause to reflect on his life, the fate of strangers, a fatal mistake, redemption of the human soul and a lot of nothing.
Escape from Shoushenka

When discouraged from powerlessness, and the future seems to be meaningless and bleak, it is important to maintain a human face, leave yourself a chance to go back and start all over again. Deep and strong tape, which is considered a masterpiece of cinema.
127 chasov

An avid mountaineer alone on a journey through the channels and into the canyons of extraordinary situation - stuck in the mountains, being immured between a rock and completely immobile stone. What is ready to man driven into a trap, for the sake of life?
And in my heart I tantsuyu

The heroes of this movie - people in wheelchairs. But they more optimistic than that of many healthy people. Bound cerebral palsy, the guys do not lose heart, and try to live in this world full: be happy, to do silly things, to protect the weak, dance and joke.

The main character is on an island cut off from the world in absolute solitude. The main task is to survive and escape from the island, which became his home. How to force myself not to give up and move on, when almost no hope, and your best friend - a volleyball?
King govorit

The film won four awards "Oscar", not simply teach public speaking, as a voice - this is only the outward manifestation of the person. The story of King George VI that you need to believe in yourself and never give up.
Dallas club pokupateley

This Oscar-winning story of a desire to live mixed with overtones ostrosotsialnye and country blues. When pharmaceutical companies doing business in any ineffective muck and doctors shrug, offering at best a hospital couch as a last refuge, the hero decides to take a picture of life in their hands and not let the chance of death.
Millionaire truschob

"Slumdog Millionaire" - a story about true friendship, the love, the life of injustice, fortitude and ability to never give up. No matter how many times you beat fate - it is important, how many times after these attacks that you could get up and continue your journey.
Chasing schastem

This film is not a typical embodiment of the American dream, but a simple guy who no matter what is not broken by the difficulties that gave him life. And in order to somehow support his family.

Andy Nyman, a student at the prestigious conservatory falls into jazz orchestra under the legendary Terensa Fletcher. Fletcher, exhausting rehearsals and constant nagging shall communicate his musicians to paranoia and sometimes to suicide, Andy starts hard to prove that he was incompetent. But Andy is not going to give up.
12 years rabstva

1841. Free black man Solomon Northup kidnapped from his native city, and sold into slavery. For 12 years, Solomon was succeeded by three owners and witnessed the most horrible of human sin - hatred, overt anger, envy, greed. But all these years, despite the hardships, humiliation, beatings, Solomon did not lose hope for freedom and again see his family.
Smell zhenschiny

One of the best roles played by the brilliant actor Al Pacino, and one of the best films of the century. He tells the story of a retired lieutenant colonel, a man who has to suffer because of the blindness and the inability to do what he wants - to spend the day in luxury and in the company of smart women. But it is impossible to realize a dream, if you have the courage to dare?
The Diving Bell and babochka

The film, shot on the eponymous autobiography, tells the story of Jean-Dominique Bauby, editor of the magazine Elle France, a stroke and was completely paralyzed, moving his left only the left eye. From rapid wilting and rapid death saved him rich inner world and a great desire to live. Undoubtedly, one of the best films about the man's love for life.
Knockin nebes

The story of two terminally ill friends who indulges in all serious. If you read only a description of the film may seem not life-affirming. But the shot, and filed all played so great that after watching you begin to appreciate every moment of life.
Life Pi

The son of the owner of the zoo tells us how one day he was shipwrecked in the same boat with a zebra, a hyena, and an orangutan. And how to survive in the sea in the company of a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. The story has the second bottom. But the point Pi - tell you what to believe and what the final prefer and what to remove morality, everyone has the right to decide for himself.
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