23 accurate, as an axiom, quotes Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking began as quite ordinary young genius. He was waiting for a good scientific career, chair, students and articles. Once it became clear that the young man is seriously ill and can stretch a couple of years. Steven was very stubborn - January 8, 2015 he was in '73.
He was almost completely paralyzed, but his brain was still working. From his head, as if from another universe to ours, bypassing the body on a computer screen are teleported opening books and ironic attitude to life.
Website has collected a few quotes a man who never gives up.
I have no idea what my IQ. Those who are interested in their IQ, just losers. The man - the only animal that knows that it expects to death, and the only - question its finality. The prospect of early death made me realize that life is worth to be lived. My goal is very simple: I want to understand the universe, why it is so arranged as arranged, and why we're here. We just developed descendants of monkeys on a small planet with an unremarkable star. But we have a chance to understand the universe. This is what makes us special. Astrologers are smart enough to make their predictions so vague that they can be attributed to any outcome. All my life I hit the main issues that we have to face, and tried to find a scientific answer for them. Perhaps that is why I sold more books about physics than Madonna about sex. Where there is life there is hope. I am convinced that science and research activities bring more fun than making money. My real dream - to write a book that will be sold in kiosks at the airport. But for this, it seems, the publisher will need to put on the cover of a naked woman. I think computer viruses should be regarded as a form of life. That says a lot about human nature: the only form of life we have created so far, carries only destruction. We are creating a life of its own image. With confidence I can say that we have not yet visited by tourists from the future (after the party for the tourists from the future, which nobody has come). The main enemy of knowledge is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge. When I was 12, one of my friends argue with another on a bag of candy, because of me nothing happens. I do not know whether to allow the dispute, and in whose favor. Someone told me that each equation, which I include in the book, reduces sales doubled. Wandering around Internet is just as brainless idea, as a permanent switching channels. When I hear of Schrodinger's cat, my hand reaches for the gun. I do not believe that the human race will live at least another thousand years, if you do not find opportunities to escape into space. There are many scenarios of how all living things can die on a small planet. But I am an optimist. We do reach the stars. Of all the systems that we have, the most difficult - it is our own body. School science is often taught in a dry, uninteresting form. Children learn to mechanically remember to take the exam, and do not see the link between science and the world around them. I noticed that even those people who claim that everything is predetermined and that there is nothing we can do about it, look around before going on the road. Life would be very tragic if it were not so funny. It is important to simply not give up.
See also The simple rules of life of Peter Mamonov
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