Hello from S. Hawking
Stephen Hawking: experiments with the Higgs boson can destroy time and space.
Warning of extreme danger to the entire universe of further high-energy experiments with the Higgs boson warned renowned British fizikteoretik Stephen Hawking.
In his opinion, the boson can cause the disappearance of two fundamentals of the universe: the usual human time and space. "The Higgs boson is a very dangerous potential: in the case of entering into a state of heightened instability it can lead to decay of the vacuum," - said Hawking.
This provision is contained in the preface that the British scientist has written a new book Starmus, which will be released in October. The book is a collection of lectures by leading physicists. Conclusions of the famous British scientist widely quoted on Tuesday the European media.
"False vacuum»
The basis of the modern concept of Hawking is the hypothesis of the quantum vacuum decay. It assumes that there are two types of vacuum with different energy levels. A number of theorists believe that our universe is in a higher energy vacuum, which was called "false vacuum».
In turn, in their opinion, there is another "true vacuum" with the least possible energy indicators.
According Hawking, in an experiment in ground conditions can be created unstable Higgs boson, which will become a tunnel between the "false and true vacuum." As a result of the break in the Higgs field, the entire universe will go into a different physical state. Moreover, this transition will be instantaneous.
However cause instability of the Higgs boson in modern science is almost impossible. According to the calculations of Hawking, for this purpose requires energy of 100 billion gigaelektrovolt. In order to achieve this level of energy at the available scientific equipment needed accelerator comparable in size to the Earth.
The existence of the Higgs boson was postulated in 1964 by British physicist Peter Higgs. However, only two years ago, this theoretical assumption was confirmed in a series of experiments on charged particle accelerators - the Large Hadron Collider at the European Council for Nuclear Research.
The Higgs boson is the quantum of the Higgs field. The latter has a nonzero vacuum value. That is why, according to Hawking, there is a danger that the creation of an unstable boson can destroy the balance that arose during the formation of the universe.
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Warning of extreme danger to the entire universe of further high-energy experiments with the Higgs boson warned renowned British fizikteoretik Stephen Hawking.
In his opinion, the boson can cause the disappearance of two fundamentals of the universe: the usual human time and space. "The Higgs boson is a very dangerous potential: in the case of entering into a state of heightened instability it can lead to decay of the vacuum," - said Hawking.
This provision is contained in the preface that the British scientist has written a new book Starmus, which will be released in October. The book is a collection of lectures by leading physicists. Conclusions of the famous British scientist widely quoted on Tuesday the European media.
"False vacuum»
The basis of the modern concept of Hawking is the hypothesis of the quantum vacuum decay. It assumes that there are two types of vacuum with different energy levels. A number of theorists believe that our universe is in a higher energy vacuum, which was called "false vacuum».
In turn, in their opinion, there is another "true vacuum" with the least possible energy indicators.
According Hawking, in an experiment in ground conditions can be created unstable Higgs boson, which will become a tunnel between the "false and true vacuum." As a result of the break in the Higgs field, the entire universe will go into a different physical state. Moreover, this transition will be instantaneous.
However cause instability of the Higgs boson in modern science is almost impossible. According to the calculations of Hawking, for this purpose requires energy of 100 billion gigaelektrovolt. In order to achieve this level of energy at the available scientific equipment needed accelerator comparable in size to the Earth.
The existence of the Higgs boson was postulated in 1964 by British physicist Peter Higgs. However, only two years ago, this theoretical assumption was confirmed in a series of experiments on charged particle accelerators - the Large Hadron Collider at the European Council for Nuclear Research.
The Higgs boson is the quantum of the Higgs field. The latter has a nonzero vacuum value. That is why, according to Hawking, there is a danger that the creation of an unstable boson can destroy the balance that arose during the formation of the universe.
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