20 Railway quotes Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher can be called one of the most powerful women in the history of mankind. Not afraid of any difficulties and challenges, overcoming any obstacles, she managed to stay on as Prime Minister of Great Britain for 11 years, becoming the first and so far only woman ever to hold this post.
Website gathered the wise and precise statements of "Iron Lady", which she had left behind as a legacy.
When a character takes a woman, about her saying "bitch." When a character takes a man, they say about him "a great guy." The defeat? I do not understand the meaning of this word. Every woman is familiar with the problems of housekeeping, is close to that, to understand the problems of governance. Cocky, maybe, well crows, but the eggs still carries a chicken. No one would have remembered about the "Good Samaritan", if he had only good intentions. He also had and money. If you want to discuss something - go to a man, if you want to really do - go to a woman. The house should be the focus, but not limit women's lives. Personal attacks on me only rejoice. So other political arguments of the enemy no longer exists. It is necessary to become familiar with your enemy, then one day you can turn it into another. Do everything with an open heart is not a good idea. The heart must remain closed, so it works better. Without economic freedom no other freedom can not be. 90% of our concern for the fact that will never happen. The wealth of the country is not necessarily built on its own natural resources, it is achievable even with their absence. The most important resource is people. The State need only provide a basis for the flourishing of talent people. Women are much better than men know how to say "no." Today, a woman has a sea of opportunities to express themselves, some of us even to govern. But, speaking of honor, we no longer goes handbag than the bayonet. Typically, 10 seconds is enough for me to form an opinion about a person, and then it is rarely changed. Politeness is valued today is very expensive, but do not have the nerve to prices. If those who criticize me, they would see how I step on the waves of the Thames they would say it's just because she can not swim. It is not necessary to agree with the person to find a common language with him. to be powerful - it's like being a lady. If you have to remind people that you are it, you are it is not accurate. Photo source: pinterest
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