25 photos of the celebrities who were the same age
Looking through the photos and videos our favorite actors and musicians, we can not imagine that some of the big names - the same age. Perhaps here it is in the genes, personal care, and lifestyle. But the fact remains that these people were born in the same year.
Website publish pictures of celebrities who were the same age.
Eminem and Dwayne Johnson - 43 goda
John Cho and Jean Dujardin - 43 goda
Megan Fox and Rebel Wilson - 29 let
Patrick Stewart and John Hurt - 74 goda
Sylvester Stallone and Tommy Lee Jones - 68 let
Scott Cohen and Sami Naseri - 53 goda
Chuck Norris and Michael Gambon - 74 goda
Matt Damon and Simon Pegg - 45 let
Eddie Murphy and Forest Whitaker - 54 goda
Courtney Love and Monica Bellucci - 50 let
Renee Zellweger and Jennifer Aniston - 46 let
Reon Ivan and Danila Kozlovsky - 30 let
Tobey Maguire and Kristian Nairn - 39 let
Edward Norton and Gerard Butler - 46 let
Lana Del Rey and Keira Knightley - 30 let
Johnny Depp and Mikhail Efremov - 51 god
Carmen Electra and Cameron Diaz - 42 goda
Frédéric Diefenthal and Daniel Craig - 46 let
Brad Pitt and Dean Norris - 51 god
Adrian Paul and Hugh Laurie - 56 let
Alan Rickman and Charles Dance - 68 let
Will Smith and Terry Crews - 46 let
Dustin Hoffman and Joseph Kobzon - 77 let
Thomas Sangster and Hafthor Bernsson - 25 let
Incomparable Vladimir Zeldin - 100 let
via # image17578060
Website publish pictures of celebrities who were the same age.
Eminem and Dwayne Johnson - 43 goda
John Cho and Jean Dujardin - 43 goda
Megan Fox and Rebel Wilson - 29 let
Patrick Stewart and John Hurt - 74 goda
Sylvester Stallone and Tommy Lee Jones - 68 let
Scott Cohen and Sami Naseri - 53 goda
Chuck Norris and Michael Gambon - 74 goda
Matt Damon and Simon Pegg - 45 let
Eddie Murphy and Forest Whitaker - 54 goda
Courtney Love and Monica Bellucci - 50 let
Renee Zellweger and Jennifer Aniston - 46 let
Reon Ivan and Danila Kozlovsky - 30 let
Tobey Maguire and Kristian Nairn - 39 let
Edward Norton and Gerard Butler - 46 let
Lana Del Rey and Keira Knightley - 30 let
Johnny Depp and Mikhail Efremov - 51 god
Carmen Electra and Cameron Diaz - 42 goda
Frédéric Diefenthal and Daniel Craig - 46 let
Brad Pitt and Dean Norris - 51 god
Adrian Paul and Hugh Laurie - 56 let
Alan Rickman and Charles Dance - 68 let
Will Smith and Terry Crews - 46 let
Dustin Hoffman and Joseph Kobzon - 77 let
Thomas Sangster and Hafthor Bernsson - 25 let
Incomparable Vladimir Zeldin - 100 let
via # image17578060
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