Why You Shouldn't Ask Your Mom to Retire If She Still Wants to Work
"You're still little, stay out of it!" You will grow up and do it! is one of the classic phrases that parents love to tell their children. Only I, for example, grew up, and the stupid stereotypes about age that exist in society have not gone away. Often insensitive remarks of other people lead to the fact that a person develops age.
GettyImages Today editorial office "Site" He'll understand ageism. We will tell you what attitudes and stereotypes act as a catalyst for age discrimination. Who knows, you may have noticed something like this yourself.
Ageism complex (from English. age - "age") is age-based discrimination. This is observed everywhere, and especially often occurs in the work field. However, even more often stereotypes about a particular age slip in ordinary life.
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You may not even realize that you are acting insensitive to another person. Moreover, sometimes it seems to us that we behave correctly, focusing on the age of the interlocutor, colleague or even relative. But that's not at all true. Below we suggest to get acquainted with typical situations of manifestation of ageism.
Stereotypes about age. I think you know that job search after 40-45 yearsIt's usually difficult. Employers are interested in hiring young skilled professionals, supporting the new generation. And it would seem logical that specifying the desired age of the employee in the vacancy is normal.
However, in Russia, it is forbidden to do this at the legislative level. This is a prime example. ageism in the professional field. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the rules. As a result, the search for work for people of more mature age is already obviously narrowing. Do you think there should be an age limit for vacancies? (Spoiler: If you agree, you might be called an ageist.)
Communicating with elderly relatives, people persuade them to retire, so as not to strain again. That's what they call caring. At the same time, it seems normal for their mature parents to babysit their grandchildren forever. But life after 50 can play with new colors. Yes, and work is only for joy! Don’t give your older relatives unnecessary advice. They are able to decide for themselves how to live.
Another stupid habit is to give elderly relatives gifts related to home and life. As if you deliberately give the installation: “Sit at home, keep it clean, only deal with the family.” But your parents or grandparents may have a lot of other interests and hobbies. Think about it!
© Freepik A bright sign of ageism - Reluctance to communicate freely with older people Because of their age. What can I tell my grandmother because she doesn’t understand? Moreover, sometimes it comes to the fact that grandchildren do it through force, taking a visit to relatives as a duty. Why don’t you talk to your grandma in a sincere and engaging way?
Here's another very real example. To tell a woman that she looks younger than her age, implying her beauty, is inappropriate and silly. Is beauty the prerogative of the young? Not at all! It is not surprising that this leads to the appearance of complexes in people.
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A post shared by Style at 60! (@style_in_sity)
It used to be fashion. age-limited. However, these days, older people do not need to hide in layers of sullen senile clothing. Unfortunately, grandparents, dressed brightly and originally, often cause resentment in society. This is ageism at its worst. "What was she wearing? It's just indecent for her age! is a prime example of stereotypical thinking.
A few more stereotypical thoughts, “You are in very good health, despite your age,” are an untactful compliment from a doctor. It's the same thing as beauty. Society artificially imposes on us the idea that old age is necessarily diseases, malaise and other troubles. Why not promote a healthy lifestyle for everyone?
Well, for dessert we left almost forbidden theme of love. After all, it is generally accepted that older people can not have a stormy personal life. Moreover, new relationships of mature people can be called indecent. But who invented this norm? Can only young people go on dates? Of course not!
It’s great that there are more and more pro-age bloggers on the Internet. These are older people who talk about their lives. They want to convey an important message to their peers: There are no age limits. Neither in work, nor in domestic affairs, nor in love affairs. We want to share this account.
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A post shared by Tanya Golikova (@golikova.class)
Meet Tatiana Golikova. On her Instagram page, she shares details of her personal life with followers. Oh, yeah, she's 58 and she's proud of her age. These people inspire and change the thinking of society for the better.
From the editorial office, so that people do not earn ageThey should not feel that their options are limited. Your date of birth in your passport should not identify you as a person. You want to learn a new craft? Go ahead! We believe that human abilities are limitless. The main thing is to want and do.
What do you think about that? Tell me if you noticed the signs of ageism that we talked about. We look forward to your comments!
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GettyImages Today editorial office "Site" He'll understand ageism. We will tell you what attitudes and stereotypes act as a catalyst for age discrimination. Who knows, you may have noticed something like this yourself.
Ageism complex (from English. age - "age") is age-based discrimination. This is observed everywhere, and especially often occurs in the work field. However, even more often stereotypes about a particular age slip in ordinary life.
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A post shared by Positive News (@positivenewsuk)
You may not even realize that you are acting insensitive to another person. Moreover, sometimes it seems to us that we behave correctly, focusing on the age of the interlocutor, colleague or even relative. But that's not at all true. Below we suggest to get acquainted with typical situations of manifestation of ageism.
Stereotypes about age. I think you know that job search after 40-45 yearsIt's usually difficult. Employers are interested in hiring young skilled professionals, supporting the new generation. And it would seem logical that specifying the desired age of the employee in the vacancy is normal.
However, in Russia, it is forbidden to do this at the legislative level. This is a prime example. ageism in the professional field. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the rules. As a result, the search for work for people of more mature age is already obviously narrowing. Do you think there should be an age limit for vacancies? (Spoiler: If you agree, you might be called an ageist.)

Communicating with elderly relatives, people persuade them to retire, so as not to strain again. That's what they call caring. At the same time, it seems normal for their mature parents to babysit their grandchildren forever. But life after 50 can play with new colors. Yes, and work is only for joy! Don’t give your older relatives unnecessary advice. They are able to decide for themselves how to live.
Another stupid habit is to give elderly relatives gifts related to home and life. As if you deliberately give the installation: “Sit at home, keep it clean, only deal with the family.” But your parents or grandparents may have a lot of other interests and hobbies. Think about it!

© Freepik A bright sign of ageism - Reluctance to communicate freely with older people Because of their age. What can I tell my grandmother because she doesn’t understand? Moreover, sometimes it comes to the fact that grandchildren do it through force, taking a visit to relatives as a duty. Why don’t you talk to your grandma in a sincere and engaging way?
Here's another very real example. To tell a woman that she looks younger than her age, implying her beauty, is inappropriate and silly. Is beauty the prerogative of the young? Not at all! It is not surprising that this leads to the appearance of complexes in people.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Style at 60! (@style_in_sity)
It used to be fashion. age-limited. However, these days, older people do not need to hide in layers of sullen senile clothing. Unfortunately, grandparents, dressed brightly and originally, often cause resentment in society. This is ageism at its worst. "What was she wearing? It's just indecent for her age! is a prime example of stereotypical thinking.
A few more stereotypical thoughts, “You are in very good health, despite your age,” are an untactful compliment from a doctor. It's the same thing as beauty. Society artificially imposes on us the idea that old age is necessarily diseases, malaise and other troubles. Why not promote a healthy lifestyle for everyone?

Well, for dessert we left almost forbidden theme of love. After all, it is generally accepted that older people can not have a stormy personal life. Moreover, new relationships of mature people can be called indecent. But who invented this norm? Can only young people go on dates? Of course not!
It’s great that there are more and more pro-age bloggers on the Internet. These are older people who talk about their lives. They want to convey an important message to their peers: There are no age limits. Neither in work, nor in domestic affairs, nor in love affairs. We want to share this account.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Tanya Golikova (@golikova.class)
Meet Tatiana Golikova. On her Instagram page, she shares details of her personal life with followers. Oh, yeah, she's 58 and she's proud of her age. These people inspire and change the thinking of society for the better.
From the editorial office, so that people do not earn ageThey should not feel that their options are limited. Your date of birth in your passport should not identify you as a person. You want to learn a new craft? Go ahead! We believe that human abilities are limitless. The main thing is to want and do.
What do you think about that? Tell me if you noticed the signs of ageism that we talked about. We look forward to your comments!
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