Odessa optimistic post
Odessa - a special city. On the unique humor and slang, famous of its inhabitants were legends, write books and make films. Some linguists even emit so-called Odessa language - so it is colorful, full of color and unusual turns of phrase.
< Website I admire wit Odessa and believes that they can learn exactly optimistic attitude towards life.
< Website I admire wit Odessa and believes that they can learn exactly optimistic attitude towards life.
- - Monya, why it was necessary to send Sema mate? He is a gynecologist! Suffice it to say, "Sam, go to work!»
- - Who did put his red "Lamborghini" at the entrance? No go or get out! I ask whose it was?
- And sho you yelling, Monya? It's yours!
- I know, just maybe, someone does not know! - - Oh, Moshe, come again! Without you, then so good!
- - Izzy, do not look so intently! You make me like you ...
- - Yosya, go stroked his shirt, and then the people, God forbid, he thought, I sho of you do not care.
- - Nathan S., what do you think black band in my life ever end?
- Of course, you're still not eternal. - - Sam, you would have bought me a flower ...
- Why, Celia, you're kind of still living? - - Celia, are you ready to fly?
- Did so!
- And how?
- Slowly stretch summer clothes.
- In Odessa tram:
- Man, did buy a ticket! Or I'll make you ashamed all the way.- Odessa, Privoz:
- Shaw, then you fish some ugly, pale?
- A sho wi want, madam? She stood in the sea early today, did not have time to make up ... - - Yasha, you can congratulate me. I drove six times at a stoplight, and I still have never been fined! So, I added a little money saved and bought a lovely dress!
- - Celia, you have a shred of conscience is ?!
- Yes, you sho ... Monia, still instill?
- Odessa. The sign on the toilet: "Dear! Do not stand still kicking on the toilet! There are many other ways to be on top! Administration ».
- In the words of Simon Moiseevich:" Do not rush to judge a man on first impression. Probably the main character, he mucks in store for dessert ».
- Rose complains friend:
- I can not teach Moshe to order - every time it still hides the wallet in a new place! - - Joseph! Shaw let you imagine ?!
- What is it, Firochka?
- Immediately begin to allow yourself more!
- - Hello, Benny, my son, you are an adult, and do as you said an inner voice coming from the phone ...
- Odessa. Grocery store. Announcement: "Those who do not require a deposit, served out of turn!»
- - Tell me, please, I'm on that bus to Privoz doedu?
- Why do you Privoz? Such a good weather - Go to the sea!
via # image17964760
- Odessa. The sign on the toilet: "Dear! Do not stand still kicking on the toilet! There are many other ways to be on top! Administration ».
- Odessa, Privoz:
- In Odessa tram: