25 tips on style of Coco Chanel

icon style that changed the world of fashion, the creator of the little black dress and the legendary fragrance «Chanel № 5», the magnificent Coco always distinguished wit and sobstvennno look at everything. It is these qualities that have helped it become what it has become: "In the light of full any duchesses, but only one Coco Chanel" - said trendsetter. And it is not wrong.
Website said that will not hurt anyone advice from a woman with impeccable taste.
Beware of originality - in women's fashion originality can lead to a masquerade. Invent your own fashion can afford only young women. Mature and aging women should follow the prevailing fashion. beauty care must begin with the heart and soul, otherwise no makeup will not help. A woman dressed in light, it is difficult to put in a bad mood. Lace - the most beautiful imagination imitation of nature. A pearl is always right. In 20 years, a woman has the person who gave her the nature of 30 - which she made herself, 40 - that it deserves. Hands - the card girls, neck - her passport, chest - a passport. age for women is not the most important thing you can be delightful in 20 years, 40 charming and irresistible to stay until the end of his days. Perfume - is invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. It signals the emergence of women and continues to remind her when she left. If you are struck by the beauty of any woman, but you can not remember what she was wearing - so she was dressed perfectly. The best fashion accessory woman - a handsome man. Nothing ages a woman like too rich costume. "When should I use perfume?" - Asks the young woman. "When you want to kiss you" - I say. A woman who does not use make-up, too high opinion of himself. The beauty is, and pretty appearance disappears. But why women do not aspire to be beautiful, they want to be pretty. The worse case of the girl, the better it should look like. It is considered to be a luxury - the opposite of poverty. No luxury - the opposite of vulgarity. Men like women who are well-dressed, but not too conspicuous. People with good taste wear jewelry. Everyone else has to wear gold. Do not seek young, at age 50, no one is young. But I know a lot of 50-year-old who looks more attractive than a well-groomed young women. Be Happy caterpillar, and in the evening - a butterfly. There is nothing more convenient than the appearance of caterpillars, and no one's face is not suitable for love more than the image of a butterfly. Women need to dress crawling and flying dress. The butterfly does not go to the market, and the caterpillar does not go to the ball. Beautiful dress may look good on the hanger, but it does not mean anything. About the Dress to be judged when it is a woman, when a woman moves arms, legs, waist bends. When choosing accessories, remove it, put it last. The main thing in a woman does not wear and lovely manners, discretion and a strict daily routine. - Freedom is always in style.
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