Do you have extra human organs, amputation which is not harmful?
"Cut to hell, without waiting for peritonitis!" - This phrase said strict doctor in "Pokrovsky Gates", illustrates the attitude of many doctors to such bodies as appendiks.Vsego hundred years ago, doctors numbered two hundred bodies, which can be "safely" remove the person , because not very much they need him. Modern surgery without any hesitation cut appendix and tonsils. But what if a person has no "extra" bodies, and they are all somehow essential to us for a full life? The site decided to look into the issue.
AppendiksCherveobrazny appendix cecum - first among the rudiments. Even 10-15 years ago it was considered the most useless. Today it is assumed that the process play an important role in the immune system
People with removal of the appendix harder to restore intestinal flora after infection, any infection , so now the prophylactic removal process is not considered appropriate.
There is an assumption that removing the appendix, a person begins to ache often a sore throat.
MindalinyBez tonsils quite possible to live. But again, it turned out, these so-called rudiments are part of the immune system and is important as a defense, especially in children
Tonsils reach its maximum in four-seven-year children, when the body needs increased protection from infections. At this age, children make the greatest number of vaccinations. Now it is believed that it actively contributes to the formation of immunity tonsils. As children are hardened, tonsils reduced. By the age of 16-20 are usually preserved their remains small, and sometimes completely disappear due to atrophy of lymphoid tissue.
So now remove the tonsils are advised only when they can not cope with a protective function and turn into chronic inflammation of the hearth.
KopchikEtot one of the famous vestiges often called "tail moiety" - at the dawn of the appearance of man he needed to maintain equilibrium. Located in the lower spine is made up of three to five vertebrae fused rudimentary, there is no spinal cord. Studies have shown the following: if people did not have the coccyx, that they had a completely different system of support for internal organs
Perhaps, to the true rudiments include ear muscles and wisdom teeth
The main function of the wisdom teeth - chewing, they are used for grinding food. As a person in the course of evolution had to use less and less strong and tough food, the wisdom teeth now seems to be no good. Though it is better let it be, if they are healthy. For some people, they grow wrong and they have to be removed.
As a result, we conclude that there are bodies without which a person can do, but no useless.
via www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/lechit_nelzya_otrezat_est_li_u_cheloveka_lishnie_organy_14286/

AppendiksCherveobrazny appendix cecum - first among the rudiments. Even 10-15 years ago it was considered the most useless. Today it is assumed that the process play an important role in the immune system
People with removal of the appendix harder to restore intestinal flora after infection, any infection , so now the prophylactic removal process is not considered appropriate.
There is an assumption that removing the appendix, a person begins to ache often a sore throat.
MindalinyBez tonsils quite possible to live. But again, it turned out, these so-called rudiments are part of the immune system and is important as a defense, especially in children
Tonsils reach its maximum in four-seven-year children, when the body needs increased protection from infections. At this age, children make the greatest number of vaccinations. Now it is believed that it actively contributes to the formation of immunity tonsils. As children are hardened, tonsils reduced. By the age of 16-20 are usually preserved their remains small, and sometimes completely disappear due to atrophy of lymphoid tissue.
So now remove the tonsils are advised only when they can not cope with a protective function and turn into chronic inflammation of the hearth.
KopchikEtot one of the famous vestiges often called "tail moiety" - at the dawn of the appearance of man he needed to maintain equilibrium. Located in the lower spine is made up of three to five vertebrae fused rudimentary, there is no spinal cord. Studies have shown the following: if people did not have the coccyx, that they had a completely different system of support for internal organs
Perhaps, to the true rudiments include ear muscles and wisdom teeth
The main function of the wisdom teeth - chewing, they are used for grinding food. As a person in the course of evolution had to use less and less strong and tough food, the wisdom teeth now seems to be no good. Though it is better let it be, if they are healthy. For some people, they grow wrong and they have to be removed.
As a result, we conclude that there are bodies without which a person can do, but no useless.
via www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/lechit_nelzya_otrezat_est_li_u_cheloveka_lishnie_organy_14286/
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