Some facts about women congestion in the nose
In the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh live apatani amazing people, which numbered only 26 thousand people. Women apatani lifetime wear nose plugs. < 1. A distinctive feature of the appearance of the women apatani until recently were considered to plug in their noses and tattoos applied along the face.
2. According to the legend, so in ancient times, elders of the people decided to fight the constant theft of eligible brides, which men from neighboring tribes believed by written beauties.
3. Men apatani forced women to pierce their noses and inserted into the plug opening, called Yaping Hullo, and put on a face tattoo on the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin.
4. It was believed that after seeing so disfigured face beauties, the kidnappers give up their evil designs.
5. This ancient tradition continued until the 1970s, until he gradually came to naught.
6. Along with these older women will go into the history and life of the whole epoch apatani.
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2. According to the legend, so in ancient times, elders of the people decided to fight the constant theft of eligible brides, which men from neighboring tribes believed by written beauties.

3. Men apatani forced women to pierce their noses and inserted into the plug opening, called Yaping Hullo, and put on a face tattoo on the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin.

4. It was believed that after seeing so disfigured face beauties, the kidnappers give up their evil designs.

5. This ancient tradition continued until the 1970s, until he gradually came to naught.

6. Along with these older women will go into the history and life of the whole epoch apatani.

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