Seven tips to find his calling
I never understood how you can work just to earn money. For me it was much more important to find and realize their vocation in any case. Know your talents, develop their potential, to create something different, unique ... and money, they will always be the one who follows his star, I am sure one hundred percent!
Of course, I knew that he would never become a second Mozart, Van Gogh or Pushkin, my role in this world is much more modest, and therefore define it will not be so simple as this genius. It seems to them the question of recognition of the search never was. They seemed to be from the very beginning it was intended to implement the gift that they had, and I think they have no choice no choice. As wrote in a letter to her mother fifteen Nikolai Gogol: "Mom, I'm a genius. What to do? ».

I also kept asking myself, "What?", But my question was in a slightly different perspective: I need to do to achieve your gift? I was looking for his response to the psychological training, on the pages of books on self-development on all kinds of courses, seminars, lectures ... But it turned out, I myself responded to him all his life, had only to draw attention to some tips that I discovered thanks to the heroes of my favorite movies.
Tip № 1. Scope interesovNa matter how uninteresting work or working people, each of us is bound to have some interests in life. It's what we do in every free minute, not expecting any reward for it, and that gives us a real pleasure!
Remember the main character of the film «P. S. I love you. " How she did not like her job if she flew with each faster than changed his shoes. But the shoes - it was her everything! A wardrobe exclusive, model, unusual shoes, which she lovingly sought out the boutiques and flea markets. For her it was granted activity as breathing or walking, while others do not specify it on the fact that in this lies the interest of its mission - to be a designer shoe!
Even if the person's interests are not expressed so clearly about them you can always guess if view the shelves of books, find out which magazines he subscribed to, what websites often goes with what people like to talk about what likes to watch movies.
Personally, I have always been interested in studying the inner world of man. Through the book, from which I have in the house crammed with shelves on various trainings personal growth, talking with other people about the difficulties of life and ways of overcoming them. The laws, which turns human destiny, the secret of happiness, the causes of suffering - that's what bothered me the most, often even more than meeting with their peers and shopping!
blockquote> Tip № 2. MechtyMechty - an area in which we give the most violent fantasies about her life, while not giving them their present value. While no imagination can not appear out of nowhere. If we as a dream, though, it seems to us, it is something happen, and completely divorced from your reality through these images with us, maybe talking is our calling.
Remember the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness"? It might seem like the loser, from morning till evening to run with heavy boxes on the streets to earn at least a piece of bread for their children, can seriously think about how to become really rich? But in reality, these dreams led him to become, as many as the founder of his own brokerage firm. Thus, the protagonist of the film made by the way of the real events of the life of Chris Gardner realized his vocation, following his dream.
A separate theme for reflection - Our childhood dreams
In my dreams, I often saw herself serving to a large audience of people present their books on self-development and lecturing on how to be happy. And when I imagine your perfect day, then it most of all I like to sit alone in the morning for your netbook at a window overlooking the mountains and write, write, write. Oh, dreams!
blockquote> Read more on the website "Life is interesting!»