Solar Impulse 2: aircraft, which will stay in the air for six months
What is it - the aircraft of the future? After years of development, and not very successful test launch Solar Impulse, a plane that runs on solar energy, is going round the world trip - provided sunny weather, of course.
Solar Impulse 2 - an unusual plane: it was designed from the ground up. Its wings are more than 17,000 solar panels that provide energy engines, four onboard charging lithium batteries. It is designed to run entirely on solar power, but can fly day and night. Although this is not the first "solar" aircraft, but the first one that actually can fly between continents. And if all goes well, it will soon be the first to orbit the world.
Travel must begin and end in Abu Dhabi and will last more than five months. The whole trip will be divided into 12 short flights for a total of 25 full days. Thus, as soon as the vessel is hardly beat speed records, but as the author of the project, the Swiss pilots Bertrand Piccard and André Borshberg, it is not the main purpose of their work. For them, the important energy efficiency project is to change the public perception of renewable energy sources and is full of interest. In other words, it's not just a gimmick, but a new phase of technological development.
The plane is only one passenger seat (with built-in toilet) and a cabin with no heat and oxygen, that will turn a trip to the ordeal. It is not surprising that the pilots have decided to break the flight apart. Besides harvested food on board is not too appetizing described the phrase as "dehydrated and packaged in a vacuum».
In short, this plane is still very far from consuming a lot of fuel, "Boeing" and Airbus that we know and love, but it opens up the potential of renewable energy sources, which could have a serious impact on our future. Despite the skepticism of industrialists over the use of solar panels on the aircraft when flying round the world is successful, it will give a reason for the resumption of discussions on the future fuel for airplanes. And we can only hope that once the solar panels cover the wings of our aircraft, the toilet will remain at their designated places and not in the passenger seat.
via gizmodo.com/this-solar-powered-plane-is-about-to-fly-around-the-wor-1690077257
Solar Impulse 2 - an unusual plane: it was designed from the ground up. Its wings are more than 17,000 solar panels that provide energy engines, four onboard charging lithium batteries. It is designed to run entirely on solar power, but can fly day and night. Although this is not the first "solar" aircraft, but the first one that actually can fly between continents. And if all goes well, it will soon be the first to orbit the world.

Travel must begin and end in Abu Dhabi and will last more than five months. The whole trip will be divided into 12 short flights for a total of 25 full days. Thus, as soon as the vessel is hardly beat speed records, but as the author of the project, the Swiss pilots Bertrand Piccard and André Borshberg, it is not the main purpose of their work. For them, the important energy efficiency project is to change the public perception of renewable energy sources and is full of interest. In other words, it's not just a gimmick, but a new phase of technological development.

The plane is only one passenger seat (with built-in toilet) and a cabin with no heat and oxygen, that will turn a trip to the ordeal. It is not surprising that the pilots have decided to break the flight apart. Besides harvested food on board is not too appetizing described the phrase as "dehydrated and packaged in a vacuum».
In short, this plane is still very far from consuming a lot of fuel, "Boeing" and Airbus that we know and love, but it opens up the potential of renewable energy sources, which could have a serious impact on our future. Despite the skepticism of industrialists over the use of solar panels on the aircraft when flying round the world is successful, it will give a reason for the resumption of discussions on the future fuel for airplanes. And we can only hope that once the solar panels cover the wings of our aircraft, the toilet will remain at their designated places and not in the passenger seat.

via gizmodo.com/this-solar-powered-plane-is-about-to-fly-around-the-wor-1690077257
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