The boss of the Turkish company sold his business and paid to each employee for $ 200 000

Some were crying, screaming, someone wrote thank-you letters. All of these emotions because I was able to affect the lives of people. Now they can buy houses, cars. And everything that previously could not afford with the salary of 3-5 thousand Turkish liras. I think it's the right move. And I wanted to give them more.
Nevzat Aydin blockquote>
This guy definitely deserves the title of "Boss of the Year"! The head of the online service for ordering food Nevzat Aydin was a very successful business. And when he sold it for a fabulous price - 589 million dollars, he decided that it was time to thank all those who worked with him - and to pay each of the 114 employees one-time bonus of 200 thousand dollars.
According to Aydin, the move helped him to show that if the company and was able to achieve success, it is only through the joint efforts of all its staff. And that's what he was guided by:
- The average salary in the company is about 1-1, 8 thousand dollars per month;
- Each employee has received 200 thousand dollars - is the salary for 11 years into the future;
- The total amount of payments exceeded 27 million. dollars.
Formally, the leadership had no legal obligation to its employees. Action taken by the head of a startup was the first such case in Turkey.
The most striking statements newfound millionaire:
- I believe in team work, success is much more enjoyable when you can share it with the team.
- If there is success, then we have achieved it.
- The success story of the business can not happen without the hard work of many employees and, of course, talent.
- I never make promises about their obligations.
- We did something in between e-commerce and a food delivery - two components of constant growth.
- I - a bad example for the other bosses.
- When you offer people the right product properly, they adapt to the changes.
- Soon private trading model will be consolidated.
- It is important to reject the proposal and wait for the call buyer the right price. Do not be afraid to say "no».
- Money should not be the motivation to work.
- Create a need not only the company, but something that will change the way people think. ul>