Piercing letter of the name of the last form of Hitler ...

Richard Helms was an officer in the Navy the US during World War II, and later head of the CIA. At the end of the war in 1945, he wrote a letter to his young son on the name of Hitler's letterhead:
«Dear Dennis, a man who could write something on this form once - three years ago, when you first came into the world - held under the control of the whole of Europe. Today he is dead, his country in ruins, his memory is full of contempt. He wanted power, he was not considered a human person, and feared intellectual freedoms. He was the embodiment of evil in the world. His death and his defeat - a boon to mankind. Thousands of people have died for the sake of good. But the price of ridding society from evil is always high. Love, Dad. »
blockquote> Dennis Helms found this letter among the family papers in 1950, and in 2002 gave it to the museum of the CIA, where it is stored now.
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