10 facts about the principles of Thai life, you need to know if you are going to Thailand
For Russians, Thais are experiencing mixed feelings. On the one hand, we - the main stage at their resort fields. On the other - violators of the order, which is often not even suspect. The site publishes ten basic principles of Thai life, knowing that you will be able to understand the maze of Thai soul and avoid penalties and conflict in the country ulybok.1. During the holidays they go to monahi
If you ever learned in the street wandering monk his neighbor and police - do not worry. One simply vacationing for the benefit of the soul. Go in for Thai monks - it is as commonplace as it is temporary. Two weeks - the minimum standard for every man, a kind of transition to adulthood instead of the army. Thai women prefer monastic meditation retreats. There is still no need to shave your head.
2. They freeze when playing gimn
National Anthem of Thailand - a magical remote control the crowd. Wherever and whenever it rang, the Thais stop everything and are drawn to attention. Anthem can catch a tourist in the most unexpected places: before the screening of the film at the cinema, at the bus station and even the middle of the street in the midst of the evening trade. Last looks like as if watching a movie when someone suddenly pressed the pause.
3. They smile mandatory poryadke
For us - a fake smile. For them - aerobatics in mastering emotions. Thais believe that they have no right to overshadow their reactions the life of another person, and require the same interlocutors. Not mastered? Only themselves to blame. Agree with them you will not succeed - "psychopaths" automatically fall outside the range of Thai communication. As well as lovers of Russian mat, which, incidentally, local taxi drivers have long memorized.
4. They do not honk at dorogah
On Thai Roads reigns silence atypical for Asia. Signals without a good reason is considered bad form. Communicate Thais, winking distant light. But thanks to a light signal, as is done in Russia, they have not accepted.
5. They are allowed to tint stekla
Thais basically go in cars with very dark lenses. For them it is important that the part has been hard to discern what is inside. In neighboring Malaysia, on the contrary, tinted windows are prohibited by law. Therefore, Russian tourists who decide to visit Malaysia in a rented car in Thailand, it is better not to do it.
6. They always leave chaevye
Penny tip in Russia - it is shameful and even dangerous. Behind him, from the waiter shlopotat long. Thais, on the contrary, believe that with the world on a string, and encourage small change even the smallest service, whether it's a cup of coffee or a parking assistant.
7. They do not engage prostitutsiey
Few people know that, despite its gigantic scope and monstrous popularity, the Thai sex industry completely illegal. Officially, prostitution in Thailand is not as it was not in the Soviet Union. "But then who spend hours strolling along the seafront under the palm trees?" - You ask residents of Pattaya. "Oh, yes it is evening sozertsatelnitsy coconuts" - they laugh it off.
8. They maximize tolerantny
Who moves toward me - a man or a woman? What makes the boy in a bathing suit in the women's section of swimming? Why my married colleague rushed to a business meeting on a moped with hearts? Surprised, not to point the finger. In Thailand, you can be whoever and whatever you like, nobody will condemn. Because someone else's karma - not your concern. In general, all "Saba" (see para. 10).
9. Behind them nablyudayut
All residents and visitors of Thailand are under close surveillance. And it is not about cameras. Everywhere you looked on the holy trinity - the Buddha, the king and queen. And all you need to show due respect: at least not pulling their leg side.
10. They all horosho
The people of Thailand, no matter what happens, all one saying: "Sabai Saba" ("all is well"). "And if all the bad?" - You ask the Thais. "And if bad, to make so that was good. Does not work? Then relax. Sabai Saba "- he smiles.
via www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/chto_tajcu_horosho_russkomu_smert_13287/

If you ever learned in the street wandering monk his neighbor and police - do not worry. One simply vacationing for the benefit of the soul. Go in for Thai monks - it is as commonplace as it is temporary. Two weeks - the minimum standard for every man, a kind of transition to adulthood instead of the army. Thai women prefer monastic meditation retreats. There is still no need to shave your head.
2. They freeze when playing gimn

National Anthem of Thailand - a magical remote control the crowd. Wherever and whenever it rang, the Thais stop everything and are drawn to attention. Anthem can catch a tourist in the most unexpected places: before the screening of the film at the cinema, at the bus station and even the middle of the street in the midst of the evening trade. Last looks like as if watching a movie when someone suddenly pressed the pause.
3. They smile mandatory poryadke

For us - a fake smile. For them - aerobatics in mastering emotions. Thais believe that they have no right to overshadow their reactions the life of another person, and require the same interlocutors. Not mastered? Only themselves to blame. Agree with them you will not succeed - "psychopaths" automatically fall outside the range of Thai communication. As well as lovers of Russian mat, which, incidentally, local taxi drivers have long memorized.
4. They do not honk at dorogah

On Thai Roads reigns silence atypical for Asia. Signals without a good reason is considered bad form. Communicate Thais, winking distant light. But thanks to a light signal, as is done in Russia, they have not accepted.
5. They are allowed to tint stekla

Thais basically go in cars with very dark lenses. For them it is important that the part has been hard to discern what is inside. In neighboring Malaysia, on the contrary, tinted windows are prohibited by law. Therefore, Russian tourists who decide to visit Malaysia in a rented car in Thailand, it is better not to do it.
6. They always leave chaevye

Penny tip in Russia - it is shameful and even dangerous. Behind him, from the waiter shlopotat long. Thais, on the contrary, believe that with the world on a string, and encourage small change even the smallest service, whether it's a cup of coffee or a parking assistant.
7. They do not engage prostitutsiey

Few people know that, despite its gigantic scope and monstrous popularity, the Thai sex industry completely illegal. Officially, prostitution in Thailand is not as it was not in the Soviet Union. "But then who spend hours strolling along the seafront under the palm trees?" - You ask residents of Pattaya. "Oh, yes it is evening sozertsatelnitsy coconuts" - they laugh it off.
8. They maximize tolerantny

Who moves toward me - a man or a woman? What makes the boy in a bathing suit in the women's section of swimming? Why my married colleague rushed to a business meeting on a moped with hearts? Surprised, not to point the finger. In Thailand, you can be whoever and whatever you like, nobody will condemn. Because someone else's karma - not your concern. In general, all "Saba" (see para. 10).
9. Behind them nablyudayut

All residents and visitors of Thailand are under close surveillance. And it is not about cameras. Everywhere you looked on the holy trinity - the Buddha, the king and queen. And all you need to show due respect: at least not pulling their leg side.
10. They all horosho

The people of Thailand, no matter what happens, all one saying: "Sabai Saba" ("all is well"). "And if all the bad?" - You ask the Thais. "And if bad, to make so that was good. Does not work? Then relax. Sabai Saba "- he smiles.
via www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/chto_tajcu_horosho_russkomu_smert_13287/
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