10 shocking facts about the Japanese phenomenon of "lonely death"
Editorial learned that in Japan widespread phenomenon kodokushi (kodokusi or kodokushi), which means "lonely death." So called phenomenon when people are dying at home, forgotten vsemi.Slovo "kodokusi" is most often used when people died at home due to illness or accident, and nobody noticed his death.
1. In fact, kodokusi - a silhouette of a human body, formed as a result of efflux from the corpse of liquids in the process of decomposition and printed where the accident found the death.
< 2. Once in Saitama Prefecture Police she found the bodies of three kodokusi. Bodies lay in the house for several months. The fact that the entire family is living in the house had died, became known only after they have disconnected for non-payment of gas and electricity.
3. For the first time the phenomenon has been described in kodokusi 1980s. In 2008, in Tokyo have found more than 2,000 bodies that lay lifeless in their homes for several months.
4. The main reason for the phenomenon kodokusi - in increasing social isolation. People do not keep in touch with friends, neighbors and family and turn in their own little world, where they were eventually overtaken by death.
5. The majority of cases occur with closed men about 50 years old who have little contact with society. Also, a lot of deaths of old men - the usual way of absorbing the multiple generations of a large family living under one roof, is outdated now elderly often live alone.
6. This also happens with temporary workers or contract workers - many men and women in the labor force will never marry nor are given in marriage, and when they die alone, no one knows about their death.
7. Once in Sapporo, police found the bodies of two sisters kodokusi. Both were 40 years. Most likely, they froze to death in her apartment. How long they had lain in the house - it is unknown.
8. Another reason kodokusi is the growth in life expectancy in Japan (as of today - more than 80 years), in other countries often viewed as a positive factor.
9. More than 2/3 of lonely deaths occur among men. Most "traditional" Japanese men spend their time at work and often do not know who else to talk, except for colleagues. And when they stop working, the fall in isolation from society.
10. Some believe that the cause of the phenomenon kodokusi that the Japanese are not used to thinking about death. In Japan, it is not accepted or talk about it, or have to deal with the dead.
via bigpicture.ru/?p=606913
1. In fact, kodokusi - a silhouette of a human body, formed as a result of efflux from the corpse of liquids in the process of decomposition and printed where the accident found the death.

< 2. Once in Saitama Prefecture Police she found the bodies of three kodokusi. Bodies lay in the house for several months. The fact that the entire family is living in the house had died, became known only after they have disconnected for non-payment of gas and electricity.

3. For the first time the phenomenon has been described in kodokusi 1980s. In 2008, in Tokyo have found more than 2,000 bodies that lay lifeless in their homes for several months.

4. The main reason for the phenomenon kodokusi - in increasing social isolation. People do not keep in touch with friends, neighbors and family and turn in their own little world, where they were eventually overtaken by death.

5. The majority of cases occur with closed men about 50 years old who have little contact with society. Also, a lot of deaths of old men - the usual way of absorbing the multiple generations of a large family living under one roof, is outdated now elderly often live alone.

6. This also happens with temporary workers or contract workers - many men and women in the labor force will never marry nor are given in marriage, and when they die alone, no one knows about their death.

7. Once in Sapporo, police found the bodies of two sisters kodokusi. Both were 40 years. Most likely, they froze to death in her apartment. How long they had lain in the house - it is unknown.

8. Another reason kodokusi is the growth in life expectancy in Japan (as of today - more than 80 years), in other countries often viewed as a positive factor.

9. More than 2/3 of lonely deaths occur among men. Most "traditional" Japanese men spend their time at work and often do not know who else to talk, except for colleagues. And when they stop working, the fall in isolation from society.

10. Some believe that the cause of the phenomenon kodokusi that the Japanese are not used to thinking about death. In Japan, it is not accepted or talk about it, or have to deal with the dead.

via bigpicture.ru/?p=606913
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