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Some interesting

News source: website www.temya.ru

1. Why zebra stripes?

You probably guessed that the stripes on zebras body need not for fun, but to disguise, but hardly knew how they help hide. Zebra stripes in perfect harmony with the African high grass, it does not matter that the grass is green and yellow and stripes - black and white. And it's not that the lion, the main enemy of zebras - idiot. Just a lion, like a dog, do not distinguish colors. It may not notice a zebra and pass. This often saves individuals stray from the herd, who walk alone and unarmed. But more often zebras are surrounded by their own kind. It is highly unlikely that the lion (even an idiot and colorblind) will not notice the herd. However, zebra stripes are saving here. Strips of individual animals merge with other bands, and the lion can not focus on any one individual. Instead of the herd, which consists of individual zebra, predator sees something huge and motley. Moreover, the lion can not even figure out which way to move the mass of wiggling. As a result, a plan to attack the lion flies to hell. Himself zebras strips (each individual they are located in their own way) to help identify each other in the herd. Mankind also uses this kind of camouflage vests. They help to seafarers or not is hard to say, but judging by the fact that lions rarely attack them, rather than not.

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2.If eat a little poison in the end you gain immunity to it?

For some types of venom with frequent use of them really can not buy immunity and tolerance. Typically, it refers to vegetable poisons, such as strychnine. It is also accustomed to arsenic (but not to the arsenic oxide, which has a feature to accumulate in the body, destroying it). But the majority of poisons (cyanide, modern technical and military warfare agents) do not cause tolerance. By the way, the tolerance can be not only to poisons, but also other things: drugs, political sensation ...

3. Why laughter looks that way: knock the breath, intermittent sounds?

Despite the fact that laughter is considered to be a conditioned reflex, he arose by divergence of the absolute that expresses a sense of danger. This unconditioned reflex can be seen in the dog if it wipe. Mukhtar starts barking and baring teeth. Nature laughter associated with the nervous system, which sends impulses to the facial muscles, the muscles of the larynx and vocal cords. Reducing, throat muscles cause breathing stray stray, and mobile vocal folds - to publish characteristic sounds during exhalation.

4. Why is the length of the first call from a landline phone call determined?

Duration rings rationally called CPV (control of the Call button). CPV depends on which switch member number. Therefore, the fixed and mobile telephony and the duration of the first ring of rings is different. As a general rule, calls from mobile to landline numbers are shorter than from the city on the city.

5. Loves whether the polar bear honey?

If your apartment has lodged a polar bear and demands of foie gras with berries, know this: it can really eat him and you. Despite the fact that most of the bears - predators, they are still omnivores, for example can send another into the jaws of the stapler manual bear. Brown bears live in the woods, so he found more than berries, and sometimes honey, and we can hardly imagine his chewing seal. However, even if the polar bear encounters a polar-beekeepers who have left a jar of honey, he was happy to eat honey, and explorers.

6. Why does every country has its own outlet? And how many types of sockets?

A total of 13 species of the world outlets (or plugs). They are distributed across the planet is quite chaotic, is that sometimes the "British" style is found in the former colonies. But if someone is not familiar with the history of the wars of independence, it is best to check with the card. In the Maldives, for example, just 6 different species. And if you buy a vacuum cleaner in Gabon, the Gambia it will not work, but on the Cocos Islands - no problem. Why is that? It's not just different safety standards, but also in the banal fantasies engineers. When the craftsmen from different countries began to improve the original plug H.Habbella, about travelers thought the least. Or, at least, it did not consider that someone pleases to carry the vacuum cleaner from Gabon Gambia.

7. Why is the cow always diarrhea, and a sheep - never?

Because the sheep life difficult. The difference between these animals that do not protect the water cow, the sheep cherish each droplet. In the evolution of ancestors of domestic cattle itself won best in terms of grazing, "pieces" in ecosystems: the plains and lowlands in warm climates. Sheep were driven into the desert, the highlands and the steppes to the sharp continental climate and a poor food. Therefore, the sheep had to rebuild the physiology according harsh environmental conditions. For example, less fussy food. So, of the 800 species of plants growing on natural pastures, cows eat only 150, while the sheep - more than 400. To enroll in the stomach body feed the sheep is much more careful cow, trying to learn from his way through the digestive tract a maximum of nutrients and water . After all, if the high yielding cow drinks water a day, a quarter of its weight, the sheep can not afford such a luxury. Accordingly, the length of the sheep intestine is approximately 30 times longer than the torso, while it is more cow only 20 times. Therefore, in the cow manure contains 77% water, and in sheep - only 64%. Hence the difference in the consistency of sheep 'nuts' and cows 'cakes'.

8. Why do all the astronauts in weightlessness, and can not walk on the floor?

If you're talking about the film "Star Wars", that because there is no gravity. And mankind will learn to create it if it can overcome the world. It is possible to walk on the floor of the ISS astronauts will in our lifetime: Russian scientists from the Institute of Space Systems Institute. A.Maksimova actively working to create artificial gravity and has already carried out tests of the corresponding device. Furthermore, the tests are yielding results, and nothing more is known.

9. How much can you eat notes with secret information, like in the movies?

Proper paper consists of hemicellulose and lignin. All these elements are absolutely harmless for our body. Today, however, manufacturers often add all that is not a pity: colorants, polymeric binders, resins, glue. So you need to be careful with the choice and read the product. Eating clean organic paper is absolutely harmless. Just do not fill your stomach full, and the paper will begin to swell, which can lead to volvulus.

10. What happens if one of the Siamese twins commit a crime?

This, of course, grief, if brother plotted evil. It would be nice to talk him out. But if that happens, people with congenital defects that limit their actions and life, and people with disabilities in group I (which, in particular, the Siamese twins) are not punished in the common prison. But if Siamese twins commit a serious criminal offense, they conclude under house arrest, or confined to a psychiatric clinic. The punishment will be strictly enforced for both parts of the body. So, even if the second part of the body neither sleep nor spirit, it is automatically considered to be an accomplice in the crime.

11. Why make cuts on the button?

For beauty. It is widely believed that the cuts on the bread used to release carbon dioxide, which is formed due to the alcoholic fermentation in the dough during baking. And if they did not do before hitting the bread into the oven, will he allegedly yourself ugly crust breaking and spoiling the taste of the baked product. But in reality things are much easier. The fact that carbon dioxide during baking easily seeps through microscopic pores in the test, no breaking and mutilating (because, for example, the black bread "brick" no cuts there, and its crust is still intact; it As for some varieties and buns). Cracks in a bread crust can occur only if the temperature is too high or absence of steam in the oven (if the bread just rassyhaetsya). And the cuts on the button perform a purely aesthetic function, creating a characteristic pattern, which allows the buyer to know your favorite bread "in the face", not confusing with others. Incisions can be deep and not so oblique and direct, how to go across the loaf, and along it. This does not affect anything.

12. Should I drink beer in aluminum cans?

Manufacturers always leave a protective layer on the surface of a liquid. Beer cans are used once, so the protective layer is not damaged and drink beer out of it completely harmless. As for the ordinary (and therefore reusable) aluminum cookware, its protective layer is gradually erased. And dairy products and vinegar further erode it. In other words, sooner or later, oatmeal with milk will cease to be so useful. It is also significant that now in addition to aluminum manufacturers add in dishes other substances that are even more dangerous for life.

13. As in the Japanese treats onomatopoeia, interjections?

As is known, in modern Japanese adopted a mixed letter (kanji-kanamadziribun) consisting of characters (kanji) and the phonetic alphabet (channel). So onomatopoeia, interjections in Japanese kana is written, and special characters for them there. Onomatopoeia so much popular in Japan that it has been named one of the dishes "syabusyabu" - derived from the sound of rinsing the laundry "dzyabudzyabu." Another example, "Sinsin '- onomatopoeia heavy snowfall. Interjections such as "anoo", "CAA", "Eto'o" is used in the Japanese language as well as in Russian, "uh", "um," "like" - to fill the pauses between words. The event was: Assessing the cooperation with Japan, Putin said: "The turnover of 7 billion dollars a year, of course, not so hot for the amount of our countries." Translate "not so hot" interpreter could not. Analog this interjections in Japanese there.

14. Why do people dream not sneeze?

Sneezing - an involuntary reflex sharp exhale through the nose and mouth that occurs, usually due to irritation of the nasal mucosa. Before you understand why people do not sneeze in a dream, you need to understand how this happens a sharp exhalation. As soon as something is dramatically irritating our nose, nerves send impulses to the brain. It shifts the responsibility for what is happening on the pectoral muscles, after which the lungs fill with air. Holes leading from the throat to the mouth closed, preventing the flow of air from the lungs into the mouth. Then comes the sudden strong exhalation, and a man sneezes. So, while you sleep the nervous system rests - thus giving the team no one sneeze.

15. How to stop the escalator?

Standard escalator able to withstand not only one person at each step, but even as many people as possible will fit on each step and how many more climbs on the necks of each other. Although, if you will be found something that will put pressure on each of the stages of weighing an average of about a ton, then still be able to stop the lift.

That's all!
