7 interesting facts about contact with aliens

1. The first research project to establish contact with aliens was offered by German mathematician and astronomer Carl Friedrich Gauss: cut down in the Siberian taiga forest area in the shape of a triangle, and sowed it with wheat. Martians see in telescopes neat figure and realize that in the world are living sentient beings.
2. The existence of Martians in the XIX century, there is little doubt: in 1900, the Paris Academy of Sciences established a prize for the person who first come into contact with any extraterrestrial civilization except Mars.
3. The first coded message sent by aliens, contained only three words "Peace. Lenin. THE USSR". She was sent into deep space 19 and November 24, 1962 from the Center for Deep Space Communication in Yalta during the Venus radar. Word encrypt ordinary Morse code.
4. Since the land was transferred to four meaningful interstellar messages. The first - in 1974 - was sent to the largest to date of the planetary radar at Arecibo (300-meter antenna in Puerto Rico, United States). Power beam directed towards the globular star cluster M13, solar radio emission exceeded 10 million times. After 25 thousand. Years Arecibo Message will cover the entire M 13, consisting of hundreds of thousands of stars. The signal was broadcast on two frequencies in a simple binary code.
5. If the same frequency is regarded as zero, and the other - the unit, you get the number of binary digits in 1679, in a plane decomposes into a schedule of 73 rows by 23 points. It turns out the picture, which shows the atomic number, the man, the solar system and the actual telescope at Arecibo.
6. Three other interstellar messages were transmitted via the 70-meter radar in Yalta in 1999, 2001 and 2003. All of them were sent to the neighboring solar-type stars, the earliest of them will reach the destination by 2036, and at the latest - by 2070 th.
7. Earth sent four spacecraft beyond the solar system. US probes "Pioneer 10" and "Pioneer 11" launched in 1972-73. "Voyager 1" and "Voyager 2" was launched in 1977. After 40 thousand. Years, "Voyager 1" will be held at 1, 6 light-years from the star AC + 79 3888 Ophiuchus. "Pioneer 10" will reach Aldebaran over 2 million years. All probes are themselves proof of our existence, if you suddenly fall into the hands of aliens. In addition, they are on board with pictures and record greetings aliens and even music.
Source: www.expert.ru
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