7 little-known phobias

NOMOPHOBIA. The technological revolution has brought us not only a new means of communication and communication, but also new phobias, among them - the fear of not being able to use your mobile phone. Yes, it sounds very strange, but nevertheless, this phobia is recognized in the medical world and even has a name - NOMOPHOBIA. People suffering NOMOPHOBIA, never in my life do not leave the house without a mobile, will take him to the toilet and a bathroom, and if you happen to see a man with NOMOPHOBIA was out of network coverage, you are guaranteed to become a witness of a nervous breakdown!
Metrofobiya. If you think that metrofobiya - a phobia associated with the technique, then you are very sadly mistaken! Do you think that such a "metrofobiya"? No, the subway and the subway there is absolutely nothing to do with! Man with metrofobiey afraid to read or listen to others read poems.
Gippopotomonstroseskvipedaliofobiya. A good name, is not it? Of course, utter the first time it is not possible, but you can already guess what people are afraid of suffering from this phobia. Of course the same gippopotomonstroseskvipedaliofobiya - is the fear of long words.
Oktofobiya. It is a logical name for a very strange phobia. People suffering oktofobiey fear digit "8". I, for example, do not know how a man who is afraid of eight, make phone calls, read newspapers or use kitchen appliances! It's not the most pleasant phobia, doctors say that in some cases this phobia can lead to panic attacks and tachycardia.
Genufobiya. The fifth in the list of phobias neobychnh - genufobiya. Genufobiya - pathological fear of the knee. A person suffering genufobiey, will not wear shorts or short skirts, and view other people's knees for it seems awfully unappealing and causing him anxiety attacks.
Somnifobiya. This phobia is common in young children. People suffering from somnifobii, scared to fall asleep. Fortunately, with age, most people are completely cured of it. But the same bogeyman, fear of the dark, monsters that live in the closet, and other fanciful imagination can really frighten the child, and it will refuse to go to bed at night.
Staurofobiya. What do you think about the fear of crosses? Believe it or not, but such phobia exists and is called "staurofobiya." Aversion to religion inherent in people suffering from this phobia, in the subconscious.
Source: www.kabanik.ru
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