In Afghanistan, only one Jew lives
A man named Zebulon Simantov is the only Jew in the whole Afghanistan. Once there were more than 40 000 Jews, but most of them have moved in during the 20th century. Many of them went to Israel. The last Jewish family left Afghanistan in 1979, the year after the entry of Soviet troops into the country. At present, Israel is home to about 10,000 Jews, and yet the Afghan 200 families - in New York.
Zebulon Simantov and Isaac Levin were the last two remaining Afghan Jews. They lived together for many years and hated each other. When the Taliban came to power in 2001, the year, bad neighbors complained to them at each other, and both ended up in jail, where they spent about six months, and all their property was confiscated. Upon his release, Zebulon and Isaac vowed to never speak to each other.
In 2005, the year Levin died from diabetes and Simantov was the last Jew in the country. He still lives there, but did not maintain relations with relatives in exile. In Israel, he has a wife and children, but Zebulon refuses to emigrate because they do not know Hebrew.
via factroom.ru
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