Scottish FOUND group released a new album on the disks of chocolate

Scottish musical group FOUND found a compromise between the talent and taste, releasing a disc that can be considered the sweet release of all time. Chocolatier Ben Milne met with the musicians a couple of years ago. Since then, they have become good friends, so when Ben proposed to create a joint project, they enthusiastically set to work.
Later it turned out that the idea, which was great in theory, in practice, be practical. At first they tried to cover a vinyl discs chocolate, but it was not a good idea. Then, Ben tried to mold a disc of chocolate, but could not get the right sound quality.
After painstaking work, trial and error, working on a chocolate disc was completed successfully. The disc, which recorded a new single, Anti Paint Climb, released in limited quantities.
http://player.vimeo.com/video/25458734?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0 video>
Source: www.wiweb.ru
via factroom.ru
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