Redheads people acutely feel the pain, anxiety and fear

Research on depending on the color of hair and eyes, and the various aspects faced in their practice dentist, have repeatedly carried out. Scientists from Louisville University (Kentucky, USA) examined the relationship of red hair color with the reaction of people on the dental treatment. It turned out that most dentists are afraid of red and freckled patients, because of their hair color is caused by a mutation of the gene that codes for the production of the pigment melanin. He is responsible for the color of our hair and eyes, skin tone and her ability to get dark from the sun. And recently, it was found that the gene is active not only the melanin in the skin, hair and iris, but also in the brain, which manages the pain reaction, anxiety and fear. Previously, it was found that the red-haired patients with surgical interventions required dose of anesthetics 20% more than other patients, as well as the fact that red is much worse transferred to hot - pain threshold are lower. Based on these results, researchers recommend that dental anesthesia pay more attention to patients red.
Source: www.med2.ru
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