In movies and TV shows is "usually red shirts"

"Red Shirts" (eng. Redshirts) - secondary characters of the film or television series that die shortly after in the frame.
The term "Red Shirts" came into use in the second half of the 60s, after the show in America, the popular television series "Star Trek." The characters of the series are always monotonous clothes: black trousers and a yellow jersey, blue and red colors. Sweatshirts red are usually the lower ranks of the spacecraft in which the heroes of the series through the Universe. Audience research showed that the adventure of space travel was interesting to spectators only when they present a risk, and the risk of death of characters. In view of the fact that the producers of the series could not be exchanged the protagonists and the audience - to maintain the rating of the channel NBC, - it was necessary to keep the interested state, it was decided to sacrifice the secondary characters that are "updated" in each of the following series. In each series, the characters are sent to another dangerous adventure, return from which is destined not for everyone. Key characters, as well as those whose existence is necessary for the further development of the plot - dressed in yellow and blue jerseys - with minimal risk to their lives go through any tests, while their companions in red - dying an agonizing death under the most different circumstances. Exception throughout the series is only Scotty, but he is the chief engineer of the ship, and its continued existence is necessary for the normal continuation of accident-free flight.
As the American television critic Mark Oromaner in his review of the television series "Lost", no matter how miserable it was not the most typically a red shirt, it works. And despite the fact that today's viewers need more unpredictable plot development, but itself normally to a greater or lesser extent, also be present. This agrees with John Rodriguez, according to which the duty of the Red Shirts is to die. His death serves as a warning to all the other characters, his sacrifice will allow other, more valuable heroes avoid this unenviable fate.
Source: www.muz4in.net
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