50 facts about the eyes of Russian women of Abkhazia

Writes our reader Irina Pushkareva:

1. Abkhazia - a very interesting country, it would seem - a small country, so much in common with Russia ... but no, Abkhazia - a separate country with its bright color.
2. The Black Sea in Abkhazia completely different! Very different from the Russian. It is very clean, bright turquoise, even if the view from a height - still see the bottom!
3. Nature, too, is different from ours, even mandarins and lemons on different Sochi and the Abkhaz. First time seen as the pomegranate blossoms! Simply super!
4. has a subtropical climate here, so there are plants which can not be found in Sochi. Palm trees are much larger and more beautiful.
5. The kitchen is very peculiar ... national dishes in common with ours and other Caucasian cuisines.
6. Most liked smoked cheese, khachapuri boat, and, of course, Trout!
7. Trout River here, there is a special trout farm, where you will be sure to offer a tour, but a trout can be sampled in any decent cafe.
8. There are few of them ... (decent cafe) mainly beer ... But there is a small private restaurants where pretty good cook!
9. We rest in Abkhazia for 7 years, but good barbecue and have not tried, so the impression that cooking here do not know how ...

10. A good wine is hard to find too ... In general, all powder. We must take a Gudauta wine, the price of which more than 300 p., A home, but in a bottle filled with wax, with hands rarely good.
11. However, the main drink - it chacha! Something like the brew, but the grapes.
12. There are brandy ... most often it base, but there are very personal!
13. Another feature is the national tyndara. This furnace such that nahoditya, as I understand, in the ground. There are some very good dishes cooked there, and sometimes not very ... Again, it depends on the restaurant where you eat.
14. mountain honey here, I liked! But it is very expensive.
15. And generally expensive products in Abkhazia, only vegetables and fruits a little cheaper.
16. service here at our level, but with the national color ...
17. It is mostly boarding houses, built in the Soviet era. Now there are more modern hotels, but the buffet, for example, I would call "the Abkhazian table" because not all fully understand what it is, and so the quality of the table - so yourself.
18. The Abkhaz women, particularly those that are older, a lot of work ... there are industrious men too ... And young people are basically goof off, often stick to the Russian girls.
19. Abkhazian girl very well dressed. As I understood, clothes mainly Turkish, but they look very stylish, like painted in blondes.

20. They practically do not sunbathe, valued light skin and all the girls have a very cute!
21. It is very noticeable social contrast. Go see someone in front of you: the usual workaholic or major.
22. This is especially evident on the cars. Or "penny" of Soviet times, or steep foreign cars.
23. of traffic rules is not enough. His almost stopped.
24. On the roads safely go cows! And it is absolutely normal!
25. Public transport - generally a different story ... in major cities 2-3 route, and so basically intercity message, from border to border.
26. Never trust the buses that go to Russia! We had to urgently return home, we bought tickets for the bus ... well, just do not come! As we have said, local, it was broken the third day, and tickets have sold us on it!
27. Many machines with Krasnodar numbers, because almost half of the population is Russian residence.
28. However, in the last 5 years there and Abkhazian numbers.
29. A lot of cars with German, Ukrainian, Latvian and Belarusian numbers. But Russian numbers out of the competition! Such a variety of regions will not find anywhere else!

30. Railroad restored recently, but it only goes to Sukhum.
31. Generally in Abkhazia few large settlements: it Psou, Gagra, Pitsunda, New Athos, Gudauta and Sukhumi.
32. And generally correct to speak not "Sukhumi" and Sukhum. The Abkhazians do not like to call them wrong capital.
33. Yes, and after all Sukhum settlements have little.
34. In the cities, mainly 9 and 5 etazhki Soviet construction.
35. All products can be purchased in the main market, supermarkets here, only small shops.
36. Cellular is very expensive and the local and abroad.
37. Internet is also very expensive and very slow!
38. live and work from May to September-October, rest of the time, as they themselves say, very boring, so the summer of youth comes off in full!
39. Very honored traditions. Many women are constantly walking in mourning. Not without folk songs and dances.

40. of religious: as I understand, they also Orthodox, but with its own characteristics, but, in principle, not very different from ours.
41. There are many churches, there is a church of the 9th century, the organ attraction - New Athos monastery. The similarity of the Greek monastery of Mount Athos.
42. Another attraction - Lake Riza, very nice, I advise you to go there!
43. Back in Abkhazia, like all Caucasian peoples, many legends, songs and folk tales, the culture is very developed, but at the level of folklore.
44. Pro schooling can not say anything, but the higher the weak, 2-3 university in the country. Go to study in Russia.
45. Language generally cool! The letter "A" dominant!
46. New words that are not in the Abkhazian language, translated very easy! Mark - "Amarka" pansionot - "aponsionat" Well, and so on. D. Although generally a complicated language ...
47. In general, they live at the expense of tourists - this is the main source of revenue.
48. is very proud of the fact that to learn independence.
49. To Russian are neutral, not to say that we have much love, but hatred is not specific to us.
50. In general, it is said Abkhazians themselves "Apsny - country soul!" Only the soul that understands only Abkhazians themselves!

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