In Brazil, lives a girl who is 30 years of physical and mental development for 9 months

When Brazilian girl named Maria Audete do Nascimento was 9 months old, its development, both mental and physical, suddenly stopped. I passed year after year, and Mary did not grow, not learned to walk, talk, look after itself.
In 2009, doctors diagnosed Marie hypothyroidism, a condition in which the body chronically short of thyroid hormones.
Hypothyroidism is detected early, can be treated, but Marie's parents for some reason decided to appeal to physicians when their daughter was already 28 years old! Now she is 30, and the doctors perform a course of treatment designed to ensure that the girl-woman could even walk and speak a few words. The best result, they say, is no longer achieve: Mary will always be a baby.
via factroom.ru
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