10 facts about space

1. number of known satellites of the planets of the solar system has increased over the past five years, from 64 to 129. The researchers believe that it will continue to grow, so we have opened is not all satellites.
2. About circling Mars two moons, one of which manages to run around it almost tripled in the Martian night. Their sizes are very small (only a few kilometers in diameter), and the speed of movement, the shape of the orbits of Mars and the proximity to the puzzling, since the solar system is not open more such satellites.
3. probe "Galileo" observed in September 1997, a volcanic eruption on Io - Jupiter. A pillar of fire rose to a height of 120 kilometers.
4. The central core of our nearest galaxy - Andromeda - continuously emits hot gases. 3a year it throws so much the substance as it contains the sun. Meanwhile, the core is so small that the details of its structure can not be considered, even the most powerful telescope.
5. Andromeda is three times more than it seems. There are about 3 thousand stars.
6. The biggest and the brightest star that we have been able to see. Located at the other end of the Galaxy. It is a blue giant age of about two billion years. By weight it is 150 times larger than our Sun, its diameter is 200 times larger, and the brightness is 400 million times more solar. Despite the enormous brightness of newly discovered stars, from the Earth it is not visible almost 90% of the light is absorbed by clouds of cosmic dust and long distance.
7. The furthest observed galaxy is currently in the constellation Virgo located at a distance of 13, 23 million light-years. Now we see it for what it has been through 470 million years after the Big Bang.
8. At any given time in the Sun takes place around 3000 bombings. Each of them takes a few minutes and covers a region about the size of our planet.
9. Australian astronomers have counted all the stars visible universe. Received 70 sextillion (seven with 22 zeros). This is 10 times greater than the number of all the grains in deserts and beaches of the Earth.
10. To demonstrate the progress made in half a century in the study of the universe, astronomer Paul Couderc resorted to a striking comparison. We assume that all of astronomy known by 1900 obla¬sti universe displayed in the plan area of one square meter. If we wanted to display the same scale of the space of the universe, known and measured in 1950, we needed to map rav¬naya in their area of the earth's surface.
Source: www.radioc.ru
via factroom.ru