At the beginning of the 20th century, Dr. Duncan McDougall tried to calculate the weight of the soul

April 10, 1901, in Dorchester, Massachusetts, was carried out an unusual experiment. Dr. Duncan MacDougall was going to prove that the weight of the human soul can be measured.
In his clinic, Dr. Duncan McDougall built a special bed, which was a gigantic scale with high sensitivity, up to a few grams. He laid them on the bed series of six patients in the dying stages. There were, in the main, tubercular patients, as they are in the dying hours in a state of real estate, which was the perfect occasion for the exact mechanism works fine balance. When a patient is placed on a special bed, the scales were set at zero. Then, for the weight indication observations were made until the death of the patient. Among the four other doctors, Dr. McDougall carefully measured the weight of his first patient before his death. The results of his experiments, Dr. McDougall first published in periodicals, and then in scientific journals:
"The death of a patient suddenly coincided with a sharp movement of the scales to the lower end of the scale, accompanied by an audible even hit the arrow on the lower end of the scale of weights, where the arrow stopped. Weight loss has been established to be equal to three-quarters of an ounce (21 grams). »
After a few more experiments, Dr. McDougall said: "The undeniable result of experiments conducted with the participation of dying patients, is evidence that the time of death is a sudden loss of body weight, that can not be explained by any natural causes. Is this the lost weight has a soul-stuff? It seems to us that this is so. And here we have experimental evidence that the substance of the soul can be weighed at the moment when the soul leaves the human body ».
via factroom.ru
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