Women do not like beards

There are several theories about why men grow beards, from protecting the delicate skin from the sun, to cushion the blows to the jaw during fights.
It is believed that women are attracted to strong, healthy men, but previous studies on whether the beard is an attractive feature, given mixed results. That's why researchers from New Zealand and Canada decided to conduct its study.
They found 19 men with beards to grow for six weeks without shaving or trimming, who agreed to be photographed for research with a beard, and then again after they shaved off his beard.
Then, pictures of men showed more than 200 women, who were asked to rate the attractiveness of men.
As a result, women are noted as a clean-shaven men more attractive. When asked other men to express their opinion, they said that a man with a beard, looked older and more aggressive.
However, both men and women said that men face vegetation adds credibility and is perceived as having a higher status that commands respect other men.
All this suggests that the beard is a sign of masculinity to other men, but it does not attract women.
Psychologists explain that the ability of men to grow a beard has nothing to do with the attractiveness of women. "The body and face of a man, most likely created by this to reflect the attack of other men, and that women like it does not matter," - explained psychologist Nick Neave of Northumbria University. According to his study, a small bristle received the highest rating among women. It is as if women prefer a man who can grow a beard, but it does not do so.
via factroom.ru