Why Russian beard?
The strength of Russia - its people. People Power, at least muzhetskogo floor - in his beard. So for what the Russian people needed a good vegetation on the chin? On the anniversary of the introduction of Peter I tax on beards, I answer this question
1. To enter the kingdom of heaven
Patriarch Adrian in the late XVII century, he wrote: "God created man, bearded: Only cats and dogs do not have it." All the "scraping" adult men indiscriminately excommunicated. It was connected with the fact that according to tradition Orthodox man was outwardly sootvetsvovat image of Christ. So gladkovybritym men entry into the kingdom of heaven has been ordered.
2. To show their strength
In Russia not met the men on clothes and beard. Its density and okladitosti. Dense vegetation is external reflection of a good breed of man, and his male power. People with bad growing a beard recognized almost degenerates. Beardless, usually remained landless.
3. In order to preserve their dignity
The honor of a Russian man was in his beard. Damage to vegetation on the chin, is a grave crime against the person. More Yaroslav the Wise established a penalty for torn hair in his beard. For torn shred offender had to pay 12 hryvnia to the state. When Ivan the Terrible disgraced boyars subjected to shameful civil penalty: they plucked the hair from the beard. Rinse such a shame it was only possible in a monastery or a fight of the war.
4. To emphasize his russkost
Beard was considered a gift from God. And the Russian people for this part was very gifted. Beard was our national treasure that keeps including tacit charters not to enter into marriages with foreigners. Especially with those whom nature has not endowed with dense vegetation on the face. Sinned with "infidels" is easily recognizable by their offspring - or rather on the "goat", thin beard. Unfortunate "awarded" the status of "bastard" (from the word fornication), and we had to make quite a few efforts to become a full member of society.
5. In order to have harmony in life
Beard for the Russian people was not only an honor and conscience, but also in the life of a balancer. Loss of hair on the beard certainly affects the destiny of man. By accidentally torn shreds and lost his hair on the chin treated very seriously, "balding" man, as a rule, go to confession, and then sat on a strict fast. The men, who voluntarily got rid of the beard, considered obsessive. Ordinary people shunned them not to be infected by demons. But the worst was for the Russian people as "scrape" the king. It is perceived by the people of the national catastrophe ...
6. To show his independence
In the XIX century beard perceived sign of dissent. Not suspicious beard the priests of the Old Believers and merchants. Raznochintsy same dispensing beards were regarded as potentially dangerous, unreliable element. In the Soviet era, the beard was an attribute of a prosperous farmer, a priest or academic scientist and later as fans suspicious of intellectuals like Hemingway or unformatted Vysotsky. Thus, it can be argued that wearing a beard - a kind of non-conformism, independence views showing her "master" and even his revolutionary spirit. Suffice it to recall the bearded leader of the world revolution.
7. To emphasize his masculinity
At all times the beard was a sign of manhood and maturity. Beardless man even refused blessing and not allowed on the battlefield. Today, while blurring of gender boundaries, wearing a beard can serve as an additional indicator of masculinity.

1. To enter the kingdom of heaven
Patriarch Adrian in the late XVII century, he wrote: "God created man, bearded: Only cats and dogs do not have it." All the "scraping" adult men indiscriminately excommunicated. It was connected with the fact that according to tradition Orthodox man was outwardly sootvetsvovat image of Christ. So gladkovybritym men entry into the kingdom of heaven has been ordered.
2. To show their strength
In Russia not met the men on clothes and beard. Its density and okladitosti. Dense vegetation is external reflection of a good breed of man, and his male power. People with bad growing a beard recognized almost degenerates. Beardless, usually remained landless.
3. In order to preserve their dignity
The honor of a Russian man was in his beard. Damage to vegetation on the chin, is a grave crime against the person. More Yaroslav the Wise established a penalty for torn hair in his beard. For torn shred offender had to pay 12 hryvnia to the state. When Ivan the Terrible disgraced boyars subjected to shameful civil penalty: they plucked the hair from the beard. Rinse such a shame it was only possible in a monastery or a fight of the war.
4. To emphasize his russkost
Beard was considered a gift from God. And the Russian people for this part was very gifted. Beard was our national treasure that keeps including tacit charters not to enter into marriages with foreigners. Especially with those whom nature has not endowed with dense vegetation on the face. Sinned with "infidels" is easily recognizable by their offspring - or rather on the "goat", thin beard. Unfortunate "awarded" the status of "bastard" (from the word fornication), and we had to make quite a few efforts to become a full member of society.
5. In order to have harmony in life
Beard for the Russian people was not only an honor and conscience, but also in the life of a balancer. Loss of hair on the beard certainly affects the destiny of man. By accidentally torn shreds and lost his hair on the chin treated very seriously, "balding" man, as a rule, go to confession, and then sat on a strict fast. The men, who voluntarily got rid of the beard, considered obsessive. Ordinary people shunned them not to be infected by demons. But the worst was for the Russian people as "scrape" the king. It is perceived by the people of the national catastrophe ...
6. To show his independence
In the XIX century beard perceived sign of dissent. Not suspicious beard the priests of the Old Believers and merchants. Raznochintsy same dispensing beards were regarded as potentially dangerous, unreliable element. In the Soviet era, the beard was an attribute of a prosperous farmer, a priest or academic scientist and later as fans suspicious of intellectuals like Hemingway or unformatted Vysotsky. Thus, it can be argued that wearing a beard - a kind of non-conformism, independence views showing her "master" and even his revolutionary spirit. Suffice it to recall the bearded leader of the world revolution.
7. To emphasize his masculinity
At all times the beard was a sign of manhood and maturity. Beardless man even refused blessing and not allowed on the battlefield. Today, while blurring of gender boundaries, wearing a beard can serve as an additional indicator of masculinity.