Coffee invigorates just lazy

The stimulating effect of coffee has only lazy people as workaholics only harms reducing their zeal.
"Every day millions of people use stimulants to wake up, to remain vigilant and increase the ability to work. They are used by truck drivers who spent driving all night, students preparing for the exam, "- noted psychologist Jay Hosking.
However, according to the scientist, caffeine and other stimulants, including amphetamines, there are different people not as previously thought. "Studies show that some stimulants may have quite the opposite effect on those who solves difficult problems," - says Hosking.
The sudden withdrawal of scientists have since conducted experiments on rats. These rodents, like people, tend to deal with problems. In this case, they had to find a way through the maze. It turned out that coffee and amphetamines reduce the activity of the most moving rats.
But their more lazy relatives stimulants have the opposite effect. Those rats that typically avoided solving complex problems, after taking performance-enhancing drugs became more active.
Focus on coffee should pay not only lazy, but also women who want to achieve greater success at work than their male counterparts. While women after a few cups of the drink are energetic and enterprising men, on the contrary, slower solve problems and constantly question the results.
via factroom.ru
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