The heat is best to wear large black clothes than white

How so?! It is well known that the hot summer weather - the best time to dress in white, as white reflects the hot sun rays, preventing them from body heat, while as black clothing absorbs them completely! This we were told as a child, and since then we have had no reason to doubt it.
But let's think about it. From the point of view of physics, the statement about the usefulness of the white heat is absolutely correct. But incomplete. The white dress reflects not only the heat from the sun, but the heat that comes from ourselves. The man - warm-blooded animal with an average temperature of 36, 5 degrees Celsius. And all those 36-degree heat, bouncing off our white shirt inside, come back to us the same.
On the other hand, black clothing absorbs heat from the sun, not only, but also our own, too. You will be hot in tight black T-shirt, but a large black clothes, enabling breeze ovevat your body, effectively relieve you from your own heat than white.
You can learn more about the work of the examples of this rule in the animal world here. It remains only to recall that the polar bears are living in terrible cold, have a white color, not black, supposedly holding the heat. On the other hand, the nomadic peoples of the desert prefer black, not bright clothing, and thrive in the 50-degree heat.
via factroom.ru
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