You went through, if ...
Predpyatnichny post))
As a rule, on a Friday night you ever, but be sure to say indignantly: I-ah-rather than pya-ah-any!
And now here I advise you to read these ten signs to be exactly sure of his words)).
And so: you obviously had too much if ...
Phone jokes.
I move from tonalochkoy
Astronauts write Space pen
Alfrid Langle: Symmetry of Values
Commandments exploiter
Being a villain is not a bad choice for a career.
CUBA - not an incubator!
10 short tests that will tell a lot about you and your friends
9 Simple Ways to Learn a person's character on the cheeks and fingers
Cottage for Starling
Who smoky, smoky I ??
Raskas about how I took the job
This Friday's poem! =)
A complete list of problems that are solved with a penny. Be sure to save it!
17,000 miles
20 ways to make the bar
Requiem for a submarine fleet
LG released a mobile phone for drinkers
In the morning after the corporate party I was going to write a letter of resignation, my condition was broken, my head was sore.
Great names by non-professionals
Selection of films for soul rest
Michael Khas'minskii: Families split about selfishness
5 lessons on how to treat PEOPLE
Phone jokes.
I move from tonalochkoy
Astronauts write Space pen
Alfrid Langle: Symmetry of Values
Commandments exploiter
Being a villain is not a bad choice for a career.
CUBA - not an incubator!
10 short tests that will tell a lot about you and your friends
9 Simple Ways to Learn a person's character on the cheeks and fingers
Cottage for Starling
Who smoky, smoky I ??
Raskas about how I took the job
This Friday's poem! =)
A complete list of problems that are solved with a penny. Be sure to save it!
17,000 miles
20 ways to make the bar
Requiem for a submarine fleet
LG released a mobile phone for drinkers
In the morning after the corporate party I was going to write a letter of resignation, my condition was broken, my head was sore.
Great names by non-professionals
Selection of films for soul rest
Michael Khas'minskii: Families split about selfishness
5 lessons on how to treat PEOPLE
And for you, my dear, there is mail field
Sword in the form of a snake