In Indonesia, people prefer to sleep on the sand

Residents of three small fishing villages in Batang, Indonesia, prefer to sleep in a modern memory foam mattresses, on bare sand. Sleeping on the sand is an ancient tradition that has been practiced so far. It is believed that a night spent in the sand, guaranteed to bring health benefits.

By evening, almost all the villagers gather on sandy beaches available here in abundance. Even the local rich people prefer to spend the night on the warm sand. Many of them have bedrooms in the house, equipped with luxury beds, but keep them only for decorative purposes.

Residents of Indonesia believe that the sand has healing properties. Bury the night in the warm sand, can cure almost any disease, from rheumatism to scabies. Many Indonesian women, sensing the approach of birth, go to the beach to give birth to a healthy baby there. Unfortunately, doctors still refuse to confirm the healing properties of Indonesian sand. Sand is often used in the treatment of various diseases, as an adjuvant. Cooled down, he kept cool and warm way to keep warm for a long time.
via factroom.ru
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